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08/17/05 | | Aaron Stanton
category: announced
Microsoft has announced that the Xbox 360 will sell in two versions, a $300 version without a hard drive or wireless controller (wired instead), and a $400 version that ships with a 20 GB hard drive, a wireless controller, and an Xbox Live headset. Both versions will be available at launch. Additionally, Microsoft announced the price point for a number of other peripherals, including stand-alone wireless controllers, Xbox Live headsets, and a 20 GB detachable hard drive.

08/15/05 | | Shawn Rider
category: announced
O~3 Games is bringing the popular Japanese arcade shooter Chaos Field to the States for the Game Cube. Hardcore shooter fans should dig the full release, available here.

10/17/02 | | Shawn Rider
game: BMX XXX
category: announced
Acclaim has responded to the recent controversy surrounding the release of BMX XXX, their latest extreme sports game targeted to a mature audience. The company makes some good points about unfairly characterizing videogames as exclusively kids\' stuff. Also noteworthy in their statement is the lack of any mention of toning down the PS2 version, as was previously rumored. Click here.

09/23/02 | | Shawn Rider
category: announced
Yahoo! gave us a sneak peak at their Games On Demand service this weekend, and boy did we have fun with it. Filling the PC rental void, this service allows broadband PC users to rent games online, and it works like a charm. Read all about it right here.

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