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Search for 'XBox' returned 463 results.
game: Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
review | 03/28/06 | Aaron Stanton
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter is the first Tom Clancy-based title to make it to the Xbox 360. With Splinter Cell and Rainbow Six still in the development pipeline, Ghost Recon gets to prove to the world what Ubisoft can do with an excellent game franchise and the first next-generation console. The result is the best Ghost Recon to date, despite some issues with the controls and an apparent lack of Co-op interest from the developers. Easily one of the prettiest games on the Xbox 360, Ghost Recon is also one of the best experiences the system has to offer.
game: Xbox Live
news | 03/27/06 | Shawn Rider
This weekend (March 31-April 2) Microsoft is teaming up with Verizon Wireless to open up Xbox Live Gold for all Xbox 360 owners. In addition to the free Gold-level multiplayer online games, Microsoft has set up three days of contests and tournaments in Geometry Wars, Project Gotham Racing 3, Fight Night Round 3 and more. Get more details here.
game: Burnout: Revenge
review | 03/26/06 | Tristan Mayshark
Attention Burnout fans, Revenge has arrived intact on the XBox 360 with a host graphical changes and some minor tweaks. Fans of the series should be so pleased with this Xbox 360 version that their pants, along with their socks, might just get blown off. Tristan can tell you why.
news | 03/15/06 | Chris Martin
Rumors have more or less stated that the PlayStation 3 won\'t make its Spring launch, and now it\'s official. The PS3 is coming in November. November of 2006 will have the PS3 hitting store shelves a full year behind the Xbox 360, which launched in late November of 2005. Without specific word on when Nintendo plans on releasing their Revolution, it\'s hard to say whether or not this will make the PS3 the last console of this generation to reach the market. We\'re all excited about Sony\'s announcement, though, read the full article to find out why...
game: Xbox Live
editorial | 03/05/06 | Shawn Rider
Xbox Live is an excellent gaming service, and by all accounts the best thing going for ease of use and consistent reliability. It\'s the only online game in town so far when it comes to the home console, too. But that is about to change: With Nintendo and Sony both rolling out competing online gaming services this year, Xbox Live needs to be at the top of its game. So far it has been doing well, but we thought we\'d help out by offering up a few ideas we have for improving the Xbox Live service. Check out Shawn\'s editorial here.
game: Outpost Kaloki X
review | 03/04/06 | Tristan Mayshark
Xbox Live Arcade has put some cool games on the Xbox 360, and has very much helped 360 owners cope with the rather slow trickle of 360 titles to hit the market. Some of these XBLA games are original, some are greatest hits, and some are games that had made an impression on PC gamers as an indy release and now find a second audience on the Xbox. A great example of the last type of game is Outpost Kaloki X. Outpost Kaloki X is a mid-depth strategy experience that XBox 360 owners can try for free and own for a low price. If you\'re looking for decent strategy and a clever sense of humor in your lemonade stand games, then Kaloki could be just the thing. Get Tristan\'s full review right here.
game: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
news | 03/02/06 | Shawn Rider
Word comes today from 2K Games that The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, the highly anticipated Xbox 360 RPG, will finally release on March 20, 2006. Gamers have been waiting for the sequel to Morrowind almost since the release of the original title, and many were disappointed when the game was pushed from the Xbox 360 launch lineup. Oblivion will also release for PC on the same day. More details are in the article.
game: Black
review | 03/02/06 | Tristan Mayshark
The time of console transition can be difficult, especially when it seems so clear that there is still life left in the current generation. Great proof of that untapped potential comes in the form of Black, out now from developer Criterion and Electronic Arts. Black arrives at the end of the current generation, but still delivers overwhelming graphics, sexy firearms, big explosions, and bigger explosions. But is shrapnel and pretty lighting effects enough to make gamers go for an FPS with no multiplayer? Check Tristan\'s review for the verdict.
feature | 02/20/06 | RJ Brooks
They are one of the often unsung heroes of the game development industry. But the consistently high quality of titles has proven numerous times why Treasure is one of the best game development houses in existence. With such fan classics as Gunstar Heroes and Astro Boy in their library, Treasure\'s games have created a rabid fanbase of twitch gamers and import junkies. Our man, Robert Brooks, has a retrospective of Treasure\'s games along with five classic retro reviews, each going live over the next week. Check it out here.
game: Marble Blast Ultra
review | 02/13/06 | Tristan Mayshark
Marble Blast Ulra is one of the first games developed for the new XBox Live Arcade on the XBox 360, and brings to mind nearly everything that was great about the golden era of shareware games, from try before you buy downloadable distribution models (which we like very much) to fun, simple gameplay based on equal parts thought and reflex. Bask in the future-past gaming enjoyment that is Marble Blast Ultra. Tristan has the review right here.
game: Xbox 360
news | 02/13/06 | Shawn Rider
Jake Ludington from MediaBlab sent word of his recent posting, which details how to segment your wireless network to optimize Xbox Live performance. The tutorial focuses on Xbox 360 optimization, but we imagine it will work just as well for improving online gaming on any Xbox. And you could apply the network segmentation approach to virtually any computer on your wireless network to optimize performance. The instructions are good and the advice is sound. Check it out.
podcast | 02/11/06 | Val Townsend
Val brings us another episode of the GamesFirst! Weekly Wrap-Up, packed full of all the best stuff going on in the gaming world. This week, we take a look at two books out now about hacking the PSP: One is great, and the other is not. We also test the Altec Lansing AHS302i headphones, which are well-priced even if not so well-fitting. Finally, we get to the games with a review of Legion Arena for the PC and a preview of the Final Fantasy XI Beta for Xbox 360. Download the latest episode of the GF! Weekly Wrap-Up right here.
game: The Da Vinci Code
news | 02/09/06 | Aaron Stanton
The Da Vinci Code was and is one of the best mystery books ever published. By combining historical references with symbolic knowledge and a bit of reasoned speculation, The Da Vinci Code paints an engrossing image of traditional Western theology. In many ways, it\'s the ultimate mystery. Now, 2K Games has released the first screenshots of the video game based on the movie, which of course, is based on the book. How well the story will translate into either movie or game is yet to be seen, but some of us here at GF have high hopes; The Da Vinci Code\'s depth makes it perfect for an art medium that can combine pictures, interactive discovery, and an experience longer than 3 hours.
game: Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
news | 02/07/06 | Aaron Stanton
It\'s been a little while since the release of the Xbox 360 in November of last year, and some of us are starting to feel a little thirsty for new games. Ubisoft decided to remind us what we\'re all waiting for by releasing screenshots of their upcoming Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter. This tactical shooter for both the Xbox and the Xbox 360 is looking to be - potentially - one of the best releases of the year. Of course, this wouldn\'t be the first Tom Clancy based game to look good, and then play poorly. Time will tell, but it doesn\'t hurt to salivate a little.
game: Playstation 3
news | 02/03/06 | Aaron Stanton
Contrary to comments made by Sony Vice President Phil Harrison in November of 2005, Playstation Magazine is reporting that Sony Entertainment is busy at work creating an online service designed to rival Xbox Live. This is good news for Sony fans that were concerned the PS3 might carry over the PS2\'s continuing online strategy... which means none. Sony has repeatedly committed itself to taking the PS3 online, but has released little information about how they plan on doing that. Assuming Phil Harrison wasn\'t lying in November, we can only assume that the Playstation\'s online system will still be mostly up to developers, not Sony itself. Sony, of course, won\'t comment on rumors.
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