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05/21/03 | | Aaron Stanton
After an E3 full of glamorous parties and hoity hobknobbing, our man Aaron thinks he\'s figured things out: E3 parties aren\'t about greasing up the press so they\'ll write about your latest device. On the contrary, The Truth About the Party Kings is that these events are the real deal revenge of the nerds. And us nerds like it very much. Click here for the editorial.

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11/11/02 | | Shawn Rider
In an interesting twist, investigators in Montgomery County, MD are buying copies of Grand Theft Auto 3. Why? Phone calls to the sniper tips hotline suggested a possible connection between the shootings and the game. Ludicrous? Shawn thinks so. Check out his highly opinionated editorial, I am God? Click here.

10/20/02 | | Monica Hafer
It\'s a common problem for those of us of the videogame loving persuasion. How can you get your loved one to love games as much as you do? It\'s a very practical problem, as games can take hours and hours to enjoy and love or family life can take similar amounts of time. Our ever-helpful mistress of the console box, Monica, delivers some useful guidelines for sharing your loves. Click here for the article.

09/05/02 | | Shawn Rider
In a horribly misguided stab at limiting gambling in public places, the Greek Government has created a ban on all videogames. That\'s right: Playing games on your PC, Xbox, PS2, Gamecube, Game Boy Advance (especially in public) is illegal in Greece. The first couple of internet cafe owners have been arrested already for allowing gaming in their public establishments, and things have gotten more rotten than 4:00 AM at a LAN bash over there. Click here for our coverage.

06/11/02 | | Jason Frank
Jason loves his Nintendo Gamecube. And after a year of meager (to say the least) releases for the system, the Gamecube finally looks to be coming into its own. The new outlook for the system is all about The Nintendo Difference, and Jason would like to have a word with you about this difference. Get some hardcore, uncensored opinion -- click.

06/04/02 | | Monica Hafer
We saw the guys from WomenGamers.com at E3. Just the guys. We had two women with us on GF! staff, Sarah and Monica, and each year we\'ve noticed more and more women at the show who aren\'t there to sucker guys who haven\'t seen the sun since 1994 to take their photo. But anyone with a sister or mom knows that women dig videogames. Still, women are not quite fully integrated into the gaming world, and Monica has some thoughts about that in her editorial, What Women Want (From Gaming). You really need to read it. Click here.

06/01/02 | | Shawn Rider
Every day I get a ton of email asking me which console system to purchase. My stock response is \"All of them,\" but that isn\'t satisfying for most folks. So in the interest of public service, here\'s my answer to you question: Which Console Should I Buy?

05/29/02 | | Shawn Rider
With all of the different console manufacturers launching their online components this year, it can be tough to sort it all out. So I put together Back to the Front: The Console Wars Go Online to outline the facts and offer up some analysis. See what you think.

05/28/02 | | Aaron Stanton
game: O.R.B.
Strategy First will bring us a potentially revolutionary deep space RTS this fall. O.R.B. puts you in control of huge space armadas and interstellar action has never been so accurately reproduced. Accurate physics offer new tactics to exploit and the fully 3D galaxy is just beautiful. Click here for more.

05/20/02 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
In PC Gaming by Design, our man Paul takes a look at a PC gaming trend that seems to be amping up for the coming year. Certainly mods and modders have been around for years, but the latest crop of PC titles take great pains to give players the chance to get in on designing their own content. Get the skinny on this trend here.

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