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06/15/02 | | Monica Hafer
Rockstar brings us another in their series of $9.99 \"Got Game\" titles. The Italian Job is probably be best of these we\'ve played since Darkstone, which means it\'s worth a spin if you\'re still stuck on the PS1. Following the plot of an old British crime caper flick, it\'s got some good story and decent gameplay. Click.

06/11/02 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Our man, Jake, checked out Sled Storm. Published in EA\'s Big line, this isn\'t really a sequel, but more of an upgrade to the original Sled Storm, released for PSone. The graphics are great, and there are some cool elements (racing for pink slips anyone?), but overall it needs some work. Click here for the scoop.

06/11/02 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
A new franchise mode that allows you almost complete freedom and some cool extras make All Star Baseball 2003 the best in the series so far. Acclaim has really outdone themselves with this one. Gamecube owning baseball fans need to check out this bad boy. Click here.

06/11/02 | | Eric Qualls
Sure, sure, it\'s a couple of months old, but what the hell -- you\'ll like our review better because it has the benefit of time and space. Eric doesn\'t just want to review Virtua Fighter 4, but also to situate it in the broader scheme of fighting games. Also, it took him two months to get anywhere in the game because it\'s so damn hard. But that\'s something other reviewers will hide. Not us. Click here.

06/06/02 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Welcome our newest GF! member, Todd Allen, to the fray. He gets things kicked off with a very nice review of Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast. Slangin\' lightsabers and flingin\' force lightening never felt, looked, or played so good. This has been the PC hit of the spring (pre-GTA3 of course), so check it out. Click here.

06/01/02 | | Shawn Rider
Microsoft really does love us. They love us so much that they listened when the gamers said they hated the Xbox controller. The Xbox Controller S (the \"S\" stands for \"small\") is a more manageable, perhaps more traditional, controller for those of you who could never learn to love the beast. Click here.

05/29/02 | | Aaron Stanton
Aaron got his turn on Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat, this time on the Xbox, and his evaluation is pretty much the same as Jeremy\'s opinion of the PS2 version. How can you have a scene like the one at right and not have more of a sense of humor in your game? Click.

05/29/02 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
And we didn\'t forget about our job as game reviewers. Eric just got done playing Spider-Man: The Movie (the game) and has his write up. On the plus side, you\'ve never felt so much like a newly irradiated, web-slinging crime fighter. On the downside, it isn\'t real. Click here.

05/20/02 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
When this game came out for the Dreamcast it was a hit. And it\'s still a super good game. Space Race on the PlayStation 2 brings back all the same tracks and characters with just a few enhancements. Bottom line: If you own the DC version, don\'t sweat this one, but if you haven\'t tried Space Race and if you like kart racers at all, click here now.

05/15/02 | | Jason Frank

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