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Search for 'ice' returned 255 results.

Daemonica Review
game: Daemonica
review | 04/11/06 | Blaine Krumpe
Meridian 4 has brought us another indy European import that might not be quite up to next-gen graphical standards, but features a great story full of horrific twists. Daemonica is a compelling RPG set in a 14th Century European town having a little trouble keeping the life and the afterlife completely separate. (We have the same problem with Oblivion.) The action is light, but the price is right, and the narrative was enough to impress our guy, Blaine. Check out his review here.
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Next Oblivion Mod Will Be Full Quest; Cheaper Than Current Horse Armor Mod
game: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
news | 04/07/06 | Aaron Stanton
A post from Bethesda Softworks in the official Oblivion forums indicates that not only will the next downloadable mod for Elder Scrolls IV be a full quest, it will also be less expensive than the Horse Armor modification currently available. A quest called The Orrery is expected to be available within the next week, and will include a new location (the Imperial Orrery in the Arcane University), new rewards, and new powers that are based on the phases of the moon. The better content for the price will hopefully help lessen player concerns that Bethesda intends to offer minor modifications at high prices. Unlike individual items, a quest is something that might be worth paying for. Hopefully.
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Monsterous Connections for the Xbox 360
game: Monster Cables
review | 04/05/06 | Tristan Mayshark
Monster has produced a series of cables for the Xbox 360 console, and without hesitation it can be said that they are the best 360 A/V cables presently available. The design is very nice, the cables are quite long, and the signal quality is excellent. But are they worth the extra bucks? Check in with Tristan\'s review to find out.
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Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
game: Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
review | 04/03/06 | Laurie Taylor
Ice Age 2: The Meltdown is the movie tie-in for the major motion picture of the same name. It\'s got cuteness and some personality, but in general it fails in pretty much all the ways that counts: It\'s probably too short, too simple and too repetitive for all but the youngest of children. Read a full consideration of Ice Age 2: The Meltdown in Laurie\'s review.
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GameTap Unveils ?GameTap TV?
news | 03/31/06 | George Holomshek
GameTap, the broadband gaming service that allows users to download classic games ranging from recent PC titles to classic NES, Genesis and Dreamcast games, has recently announced two major improvements to the service: First, GameTap TV has finally launched, bringing a wide variety of video programming to the service. Second, major price drop. These are two of the things we like best: TV and saving cash. George has the details on the GameTap changes here.
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Metroid Prime: Hunters Review
game: Metroid Prime: Hunters
review | 03/30/06 | George Holomshek
Since the release of the Nintendo DS gamers have been anticipating the DS-exclusive, Metroid Prime: Hunters. Featuring a funky touch-screen control style, Metroid-classic adventure gaming and a robust online multiplayer mode, Hunters might just be all it\'s cracked up to be. This is the first time the GF! staff has been so addicted to online multiplayer in a handheld shooter; a revamped friends system and voice chat enhance the experience in many ways. Our resident Nintendophile George found time to write up this review of Hunters in-between sessions of spanking GF! Assistant Editor, Aaron Stanton in online bouts. (7-0 Aaron? Are you sure you\'re qualified for this job?)
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Fight Night Round 3: 3rd Round KO
game: Fight Night Round 3
review | 03/27/06 | Shawn Rider
Boxing fans around the world rejoice with the release of Fight Night Round 3, EA\'s boxing juggernaut. Featuring amazing graphics, even on current-gen systems, and excellent strategic boxing gameplay, Fight Night is a fighter unlike any other. For real fans of the dance, Fight Night is the only way to go. Get the full rundown in Shawn\'s review.
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Neuros Mpeg-4 Video Recorder 2: Free Your Media
game: Neuros Mpeg-4 Video Recorder 2
review | 03/13/06 | Shawn Rider
Neuros Technology has released a five ounce beauty called the Neuros Mpeg-4 Video Recorder 2. This little device is like a VCR for your memory cards: You can record any video input to Mpeg-4 format on a Compact Flash card or a Sony Memory Stick. This makes the Neuros Video Recorder 2 a very appealing device for any media-savvy PSP gamers, iPod Video owners, and anyone else with a media capable PDA. And the best part is that the Neuros player allows you to get the most from your media, enabling you to easily create non-DRM, mobile, versions of your DVDs and broadcast television shows. Check out Shawn\'s review here.
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GF! Mailbag
editorial | 03/11/06 | Matt James
We felt so bad for Matt having to lug that big mailbag all the way up to the GF! Offices that we moved his desk into the basement where the mail drops directly. Then we forgot about him. As it turns out, Matt\'s been down there the whole time, trapped under a crate of old Atari Age magazines and sandwiched between a box of old toys and a broken Wizard of Wor machine. Aaron found Matt when he went down to fetch a couple old floppy disks we needed to shimmy up an uneven leg on our new company massage table. It was too late for Matt, but he was clutching this latest edition of the GF! Mailbag in one hand, and had used Legos to spell out something about how Jeremy still can\'t beat his Gamerscore. Click here for what may very well be Matt\'s last Mailbag ever (unless we\'re totally lying to you, which is also possible).
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What Xbox Live Needs Is...
game: Xbox Live
editorial | 03/05/06 | Shawn Rider
Xbox Live is an excellent gaming service, and by all accounts the best thing going for ease of use and consistent reliability. It\'s the only online game in town so far when it comes to the home console, too. But that is about to change: With Nintendo and Sony both rolling out competing online gaming services this year, Xbox Live needs to be at the top of its game. So far it has been doing well, but we thought we\'d help out by offering up a few ideas we have for improving the Xbox Live service. Check out Shawn\'s editorial here.
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Outpost Kaloki X Delivers Cartoony Strategy to XBLA
game: Outpost Kaloki X
review | 03/04/06 | Tristan Mayshark
Xbox Live Arcade has put some cool games on the Xbox 360, and has very much helped 360 owners cope with the rather slow trickle of 360 titles to hit the market. Some of these XBLA games are original, some are greatest hits, and some are games that had made an impression on PC gamers as an indy release and now find a second audience on the Xbox. A great example of the last type of game is Outpost Kaloki X. Outpost Kaloki X is a mid-depth strategy experience that XBox 360 owners can try for free and own for a low price. If you\'re looking for decent strategy and a clever sense of humor in your lemonade stand games, then Kaloki could be just the thing. Get Tristan\'s full review right here.
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Shadowgrounds Preview
game: Shadowgrounds
preview | 03/03/06 | George Holomshek
Meridian 4 is bringing the European indy title Shadowgrounds to the US, and it\'s just the thing for folks looking for that classic feeling mixed with a little contemporary mayhem. Shadowgrounds is budget-priced and independently developed, but this isn\'t just another top-down shooter, and there\'s nothing \"low-tech\" about it. Featuring amazing lighting effects, hoards of enemies bent on carnage, and just perfect audio, Shadowgrounds is a creepy, tense, immersive experience. Check in with George\'s preview for more.
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Microsoft's Origami Project Slowly Comes into Focus
news | 03/01/06 | Chris Martin
It was only a matter of time before Microsoft joined the handfull of companies that offered portable multimedia devices. Microsoft\'s Origami Project will feature portable gaming (including the ability to play Halo), music, and all other things digital entertainment. We\'re still waiting for \"Week 2\" to arrive so we can understand a bit more about \"Origami,\" we\'ve got the lowdown on what Origami is and why you might be asking for one next Christmas.
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Crave Entertainment Loses a Vice President and Friend; Memorial Held Today
news | 02/24/06 | Aaron Stanton
Sometimes the human elements of the industry are the hardest to report, and the most important not to miss. Mark VanDeVelde, a Vice President at Crave Entertainment and an industry veteran, passed away last Saturday, February 18th. The memorial service will be held today, and a scholarship fund has been established for Mark\'s 11-year-old daughter. While the chance is small that this news will impact the average gamer on a day-to-day level, sometimes we have to care simply because we know that someone else is fundamentally affected by such changes. It says something about Crave Entertainment that they felt it was important to share the loss, and our condolences go to Mark\'s family. We are genuinely saddened for you, and we can only imagine how difficult a time this must be. You have our best.
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Nintendo Announces DS Web Browser and TV Software
game: Nintendo DS
news | 02/17/06 | George Holomshek
Nintendo has steadily been releasing details about upcoming products and services that have us wondering if Big N could be the big success story of 2006. The latest news comes from a Japanese press conference in which Nintendo announced a partnership with Opera to bring a web browser to Japanese versions of the Nintendo DS. In addition to the new Internet feature, the DS will also receive broadcast TV capabilities in Japan. Of course, we\'re wondering: When will these features come to the US? George has more details here.
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