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Search for 'games' returned 608 results.

Terminator 3: The Redemption
game: Terminator 3: The Redemption
review | 11/23/04 | Jeremy Kauffman
It's so easy to pass by those pesky movie based titles. How often are they any good, really? Most of the time, games based on movies miss the charm or the magic or whatever it was that made the movie good, and serve up nothing but a laundry list of formulaic gameplay. But not always. Read why T3: Redemption isn't just another movie game on rails? well? almost. Check out the full review.
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Video Game Invasion: The History of a Global Obsession
game: Video Game Invasion: The History of a Global Obsession
review | 11/23/04 | Shawn Rider
There's nothing to give you that feeling of being one of the gang,? here at GamesFirst than being able to pull out obscure videogame trivia during conversations. While some might consider jokes about Pong, Zelda, and the need for Princess Peach to take self-defense lessons as an indication that we're nerds, around here we consider it the height of sophistication. How do we keep on top of the game? Well, we read, we subscribe to our own newsletter, and we keep an eye open for the occasional quality DVD documentary like Video Game Invasion. It's an inside look with the right sources and the right heart. Make sure you read our review.
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Taiko Drum Master
game: Taiko Drum Master
review | 11/21/04 | Eric Qualls
Taiko Drum Master comes with a special drum controller that you have to beat in time with onscreen icons. How can a game that comes with a drum not be fun? Fans of music and rhythm games are in for a treat. And kids bent on really ticking off the 'rents. And fans of the ancient art of taiko drumming. Or, maybe not...
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Bad Boys: Miami Takedown
game: Bad Boys: Miami Takedown
review | 11/20/04 | Matt James
As if there could be anything worse than Bad Boys II, Crave Games has done the dirty, dirty deed of releasing Bad Boys: Miami Takedown. Featuring cruddy graphics and a bad Will Smith impersonator, this is one action adventure game that ain't getting no play from us.
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Zoo Tycoon 2
game: Zoo Tycoon 2
review | 11/19/04 | George Holomshek
Microsoft's Zoo Tycoon 2 hit stores last week, and, well, let's just say that it wasn't the biggest game Microsoft put out this month. The biggest new features are probably the fully 3D graphics and the new modes that take advantage of the fully 3D graphics. Check out George's review.
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Nemesis of the Roman Empire
game: Nemesis of the Roman Empire
review | 11/19/04 | Blaine Krumpe
Looking for some Real Time Strategy? Ever wanted to play Hannibal in a not-quite-realistic version of the hordes invading the Roman Empire? With enchantresses? Well, now's your chance. Nemesis of the Roman Empire lets you take on the armies on both sides of the war. Let our man Blaine tell you why it's a little different than that other RTS game you might be looking at right now.
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Halo 2
game: Halo 2
review | 11/18/04 | Chris Martin
In case you\'ve been living under a rock for the past two weeks, you know that Halo 2 is out. (And in case you have a Gamecube and PC under that rock, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes and Half-Life 2 are also out.) Everyone knows that Halo 2 is pretty much teh h0tness, but that doesn\'t stop you from wondering what we gave it, right? After all, there was that whole gamesfirst.com/v4/index.php?m=l&i=129\"" onClick="window.open( this.href, '_self' ); return false;" title="">Doom 3 thing a few months ago...
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Call of the Newsletter
Articles Archive | 11/17/04 | Aaron Stanton
We're gearing up to launch the first edition of the GamesFirst! Newsletter here at GF! But before we do that, let its primary editor, Aaron, give you a go on why you should sign up. You don't want to miss out, do you? It's time to read about why you should be a part of our Newsletter in crowd?. And it's not just because Aaron would like you better.
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Editorial: GamesFirst! the Fourth Time
Articles Archive | 11/07/04 | Shawn Rider
On the eve of the GF! 4.0 relaunch, Shawn takes some time out to catch everyone up on the continuing saga of our favorite little indy webzine. This editorial links to articles that discuss GF! history and details the new features of new new GF!
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game: Fable
review | 11/04/04 | George Holomshek
Peter Molyneaux' latest brainchild, the highly anticipated and much-discussed Fable, has finally landed in gamers' Xboxes. Falling just short of the epic scope and depth we've heard so much about, our man George plumbs the depth of the Fable experience to bring you the GF! verdict.
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Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow
game: Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow
review | 09/17/04 | Aaron Stanton
There are few publishers that can claim to equal Ubisoft in terms of supporting their Xbox games on LIVE. Between downloadable content and semi-sequel game releases for the fans that can't get enough, Ubisoft has provided a string of extra content for pretty much every Clancy game they've released. Now, there's Black Arrow, basically the old Rainbow Six 3 with new maps, split screen, and some tweaked gameplay. But is it good? Not as good as you would hope. Read about it here.
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Doom 3
game: Doom 3
review | 08/11/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
An entire generation of games was launched the day that iD released the first shareware versions of Doom back in 1994. Quake, Unreal, Half-Life; they all owe something to the game that started it all (ignoring Wolfenstein 3D, of course). Now, Doom 3 is on the shelves, and maybe the tables have turned. Let Tristan tell you about old games and new graphics. Read our review.
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game: Pariah
preview | 07/10/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
It's always good when a game comes along that gets the heart beating and the blood boiling. Pariah, from Groove Games, is a first person shooter that's captured the heart of one of this year's GamesFirst E3 crew. With beautiful graphics, an interesting story, and all sorts of extra goodies, you should click here to find out why one of our writers is nearly jumping up and down about it.
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game: Manhunt
review | 06/16/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
You might remember Manhunt from the splash it made on the PS2 not so long ago. Now it's taking its haunting atmosphere and uber violence to the Xbox and PC. We're pretty sure that Manhunt's ESRB rating of "Mature" really ought to have been "Adults Only", but adult gamers not feeling gore shy can look to Manhunt for a genuinely disturbing experience. Click here for the full review.
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Star Wars: Battlefront
game: Star Wars: Battlefront
preview | 06/16/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Both online and single player, Star Wars: Battlefront is set to bring on a new element to the market of Star Wars games. With a little bit of everything Star Wars, and a whole lot of gameplay, you won't want to miss this one. Let Blaine tell you more about it here.
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