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Search for 'XBox' returned 463 results.
game: Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
| 07/13/02 | Shawn Rider
Bethesda Softworks gets the prestigious honor of gracing the Xbox with its first RPG. Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind is a great start for the system, and a wonderful example of how cool RPGs can be. Eschewing the Japanese tradition, Morrowind should throw many console gamers for a loop in the best possible way. Click here.
game: Gladius
preview | 07/01/02 | Shawn Rider
LucasArts decided to take a fantasy-oriented route with Gladius, which pits you against gladiators in arenas from Rome to Hades, but the liberties they\'ve taken should only disappoint those Classics majors and Roman Empire buffs. The rest of us might enjoy hurling fireballs at our foes. In an RPG-style strategy type game. Sounds fun.
game: Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter
preview | 07/01/02 | Shawn Rider
Crave brings us a way cool combination of space and planet based first person shooter. Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter creates a seamless world where you chase down bounties, cap on aliens, fly around several different spaceships, and generally rule the universe. So far there isn\'t a downside to this one. Click for more.
game: Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter
review | 06/28/02 | Jeremy Kauffman
Another installment in the Starfighter series, Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter manages to make some good additions to the franchise but doesn\'t really make this one feel like an entirely new game. Sure, there are cool Force powers and new ships to fly, but it all feels very familiar. Thank goodness for the cooperative story mode. Click.
game: Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb
preview | 06/23/02 | Jason Frank
It seems like everyone these days wants to get out the old Indy and dust him off. Spielberg has Harrison Ford all lined up for another flick, not due until 2005, and LucasArts returns to the franchise with Indiana Jones and the Emperor\'s Tomb. So far it\'s looking great, and games might be the perfect vehicle to keep Indy alive and whippin\'. Click.
game: Hunter: The Reckoning
review | 06/19/02 | Shawn Rider
Interplay has made a major console push this year -- all they showed were console titles at E3. If Hunter: The Reckoning is any example, they have a long way to go before they get the console game really figured out. Hunter is a blast in a lot of ways, but also seriously flawed. Click here for the review.
game: Brute Force
preview | 06/15/02 | Jeremy Kauffman
Microsoft and Digital Anvil have teamed up on a squad-based combat game that should have HALO fans wetting their pants. Brute Force allows you and up to three friends to play a cooperative story mode or just deathmatch the heck out of each other. Great visuals and lots of cool details make it one to watch for. Click!
preview | 06/08/02 | Shawn Rider
Nyko brings us a novel solution to an age-old problem: Sweaty Palms. The AirFlo controllers, due out this summer and fall for all console systems, feature fans and special rubber grips to cool your hands as you play. It\'s refreshing. Click here.
game: Robotech Battlecry
preview | 06/08/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
TDK Mediactive looks to have pulled off a feat we never thought possible -- a good Robotech game! Robotech Battlecry will come out this fall for all systems, and it looks great. The cel-shaded graphics give it that comfy anime feel and the gameplay is fast and furious. Check it out here.
game: Dave Mirra BMX XXX
preview | 06/08/02 | Shawn Rider
It\'s an innocuous little screen at right, but Dave Mirra BMX XXX promises to open up a whole new hornet\'s nest of protest and rage from the more conservative videogame watchdog groups. If you don\'t want to play a game with full, video, nudity, then stay away. If that kind of thing interests you, then wait until you hear the rest. Click here for the whole story.
game: P.O.W.
preview | 06/06/02 | Aaron Stanton
It\'s World War II, and here you are stuck in a P.O.W. camp. No guns, no killing, none of that traditional war game crap. Codemaster\'s latest endeavor, P.O.W., puts you in the role of an American prisoner trying to escape a German camp. The emphasis is on strategy, stealth, and planning the great escape. Click here for more.
game: Vexx
preview | 06/04/02 | Monica Hafer
What kind of game do you make for people who have played all the Mario titles, Sonic, Rayman, and a load of other platformers? You make a game like Vexx. Combining elements from the history of platform games with an eye towards adults who have grown up with them, this could be a real hit. It\'s not too cutesy, not too dismal, and all fun. Click here.
game: Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick
preview | 06/04/02 | Jeremy Kauffman
We\'ve come along way. In a brillian move, THQ and their developer, Vis, have decided to use the State of Emergency engine for Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick. With Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi on board once again, this could be the amazing Evil Dead game we\'ve been waiting for. Deadites and gorehounds click here.
game: World Wrestling Raw 2
preview | 06/03/02 | Shawn Rider
And rounding out the big console wrestling push is Raw 2. After a disappointing debut on the Xbox, this series has a lot of making up to do. Fortunately, the folks at THQ and Anchor are up to the task. Lots of improvements await. Click here.
game: Alter Echo
preview | 06/03/02 | Shawn Rider
THQ is going to have a good year, and this is just the beginning of our coverage. First up: Alter Echo. This is a sci-fi action/adventure game set on a planet called Proteus where humans mine semi-intelligent Multiplast to create amazing biotech devices. That is, until an evil villain convinces the Multiplast it is being exploited. Hardcore frantic action fans will love the fast paced \"somebody just at the brown acid\" feel of this game. Click here.
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