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Search for 'NST' returned 167 results.

Building a New Shadowrun for Live Anywhere
game: Shadowrun
editorial | 05/15/06 | Aaron Stanton
Fans of the Shadowrun franchise became excited last week when Microsoft announced the development of a new Shadowrun title. After ten years of being off the computer game market, the intellectual property will be returning to the Xbox 360 and Windows Vista. It\'ll also be the premier title for Live Anywhere, Microsoft\'s new multiplayer service that puts PC users against Xbox 360 users. But without a storyline and game intervals of only 4 minutes each, is Shadowrun abandoning the roots that made it famous? How far can Shadowrun be changed and still be Shadowrun? We take a look at the changes that are being applied to the Shadowrun universe, and whether or not that\'s a good thing or a bad thing.
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E3 hands on: Battlefield 2142
game: Battlefield 2142
preview | 05/13/06 | Blaine Krumpe
EA showed off the latest addition to the Battlefield Franchise: Battlefield 2142. This installment adds a little sci-fi flair to the action, but remains true to the roots of the series in its realism and excellent online multiplayer support. We just wish it had some kind of interesting storyline, since the futuristic setting easily allows for the most imaginative (or at least slightly clever) premise of all the Battlefield games. Still, Blaine says we\'ll be able to get over the plot and focus on the action, which is oh-so-sweet. Get the in-depth hands-on preview here.
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Protesting Booth Babes Kicked Out By E3 Security
news | 05/11/06 | Aaron Stanton
Booth babes have been a hot topic at E3 this year. The ESA has instigated additional enforcement policies to help control the extent to which booth babes reveal their bodies, and not everyone is happy about that. When two girls in revealing clothing showed up outside the convention center with signs that read, \"Booth Babe Protest: I\'m \"E\" for Everyone,\" and, \"Bikinis > Bullets,\" we couldn\'t help but stop for an interview. When E3 security showed up to chase them off the grounds, we also couldn\'t help but throw a press credential, a camera, and a little weight into the mix in an attempt to put it to The Man. Seems to have worked.
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Pre-E3 2006: Crysis - Storytelling for A New Generation
game: Crysis
preview | 05/05/06 | Chris Martin
\"What makes a game, Mr. Yerli? Is it having the best graphics, no matter the cost? Is that what makes a game?...\" (Kudos if you know the homage). Even though Crysis, CryTek\'s newest project for the PC, has graphics that will drop your jaw, CryTek CEO Cevat Yerli has made it clear that they have no intentions of letting it become another FarCry: Instincts. Just like Half-Life became famous partly for its in-game use of storytelling, Crysis hopes to stand out for more than just its great graphics and gameplay. CryTek hopes to shed the image of producing video games with B-Movie storylines; they\'re aiming to offer next generation storytelling for a new generation of gaming.
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Tao?s Adventure: Curse of the Demon Seal Review
game: Tao?s Adventure: Curse of the Demon Seal
review | 04/24/06 | George Holomshek
Nintendo DS owners aren\'t going to sneeze at a good RPG for the system. But is it any coincidence that Tao\'s Adventure: Curse of the Demon Seal could be abbreviated to \"Curse of the DS?\" Not only is Tao\'s Adventure bad enough to warrant the title, but it also speaks to the trouble the DS has had in generating good RPGs (Lunar anyone?). Featuring tons of menus, wonky controls, and too many of the typical RPG tropes we expect, it doesn\'t take a game reviewer to tell you to approach this title with caution. But we went and got a game reviewer to tell you that, except with more words. We\'re like that.
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The Revolution's Least Qualified Critic
game: Nintendo Revolution
editorial | 04/21/06 | Aaron Stanton
When Keita Takahashi, creator of Katamari Damacy, mentioned his dislike of Nintendo\'s controller emphasis in an interview with Gamesutra.com, it raised the eyebrow of at least one of our editors. Aaron Stanton takes a moment to reflect on the irony inherent in the maker of Katamari - a brilliant game with a terrible control scheme - criticizing Nintendo for paying too much attention to how a game should be interacted with. Takahashi has become known for holding himself separate from the rest of the video game industry, as well as being able to think outside the box, but there are some parts of Katamari that could have benefited from a little influence from the mainstream.
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In Search of a Cure for Vampirism in Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
game: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
how-to | 04/18/06 | Chris Martin
Oblivion is one of the first games to really be a system seller for the Xbox 360 (that is, if you can find a 360). One of the quirks of the game is the ability to contract diseases - more specifically, you can contract Vampirism. The quest for a cure is one of the longest and most complicated of Oblivion, and also one of the most interesting. You\'ll find yourself weighing the trade-off between huge stat-bounces and the ability to withstand sunlight and quick-travel between towns. If you\'re a little confused about what Vampirism does for you, does against you, and how to cure it, Chris Martin\'s guide to curing vampirism is for you.
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Shadow Hearts: From the New World Review
game: Shadow Hearts: From The New World
review | 04/07/06 | Amanda Bateman
What do ninjas, talking cats, vampires, the mafia, shapeshifters, aliens, guitar players, monsters, and a sixteen year-old boy all have in common? A lot if we\'re talking about Shadow Hearts\' latest sequel. XSEED\'s Shadow Hearts: From the New World is both like and not like your usual run-of-the-mill RPG. We got Amanda to check it out, and she handed us this review. Check it out.
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Monsterous Connections for the Xbox 360
game: Monster Cables
review | 04/05/06 | Tristan Mayshark
Monster has produced a series of cables for the Xbox 360 console, and without hesitation it can be said that they are the best 360 A/V cables presently available. The design is very nice, the cables are quite long, and the signal quality is excellent. But are they worth the extra bucks? Check in with Tristan\'s review to find out.
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Ys: The Ark of Napishtim Review
game: Ys: The Ark of Napishtim
review | 04/02/06 | Matt James
Ys: Ark of Napishtim is the latest iteration of Konami\'s anime-RPG franchise. This time Ys makes its debut on the PSP, bringing a PS2-style traditional RPG experience to the best little PS2 emulator out there. The game makes the transition from home console to portable title fairly well, except for the PSP\'s monstrous load times and a complete lack of any portable-friendly game pacing. Get the good and the bad on Ark of Napishtim in Matt\'s review.
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Metroid Prime: Hunters Review
game: Metroid Prime: Hunters
review | 03/30/06 | George Holomshek
Since the release of the Nintendo DS gamers have been anticipating the DS-exclusive, Metroid Prime: Hunters. Featuring a funky touch-screen control style, Metroid-classic adventure gaming and a robust online multiplayer mode, Hunters might just be all it\'s cracked up to be. This is the first time the GF! staff has been so addicted to online multiplayer in a handheld shooter; a revamped friends system and voice chat enhance the experience in many ways. Our resident Nintendophile George found time to write up this review of Hunters in-between sessions of spanking GF! Assistant Editor, Aaron Stanton in online bouts. (7-0 Aaron? Are you sure you\'re qualified for this job?)
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Astro Boy: Two Legends Converge
game: Astro Boy
review | 02/25/06 | RJ Brooks
Astro Boy has been praised by reviewers since its release in 2003. Another gem from Treasure, Astro Boy proves there is still some enjoyment to find in the 2D action gaming arena. A shooter/platformer in the vein of Gunstar Heroes, Astro Boy brings Osamu Tezuka\'s world reknowned character to life on the Game Boy Advance. We rarely get Astro Boy releases in the US, which is another testament to just how good this game is. Check out the conclusion to Robert\'s six-part retrospective here. Fittingly, Robert looks at how the legendary Treasure and the legendary Tezuka combine to create a GBA title that should be in every gamer\'s library.
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Guardian Heroes: A Sega Saturn Classic
game: Guardian Heroes
review | 02/22/06 | RJ Brooks
Guardian Heroes is the true definition of a diamond in the rough. Sure, Playstation had Wipeout, Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid and the rest, but it never had Guardian Heroes, and for some gamers, nothing else mattered. The latest installment in his six-part retrospective on legendary 2D action game developer Treasure is Robert\'s review of the 1996 cult classic, Guardian Heroes. Find out why some gamers still maintain Saturn systems to play this game in its native format.
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Gunstar Super Heroes Review
game: Gunstar Super Heroes
review | 02/21/06 | RJ Brooks
The long-awaited sequel to Treasure\'s Gunstar Heroes, Gunstar Super Heroes brings the same high action gameplay to the Game Boy Advance. Released last October, Gunstar Super Heroes offers up the same quality graphics and colorful animation, but the gameplay has undergone some tweaks and changes that might leave the most hardcore of classic Gunstar Heroes fans wanting more. In the third part of his Treasure retrospective, Robert takes a look at one of the latest developments from the legendary game design house. Read all about it here.
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Treasure's Gems: A History of Action Gaming
feature | 02/20/06 | RJ Brooks
They are one of the often unsung heroes of the game development industry. But the consistently high quality of titles has proven numerous times why Treasure is one of the best game development houses in existence. With such fan classics as Gunstar Heroes and Astro Boy in their library, Treasure\'s games have created a rabid fanbase of twitch gamers and import junkies. Our man, Robert Brooks, has a retrospective of Treasure\'s games along with five classic retro reviews, each going live over the next week. Check it out here.
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