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Search for 'XBox' returned 463 results.
game: Myst III: Exile
review | 12/01/02 | Monica Hafer
Ubi Soft has brought the venerable Myst series to console systems, and, as anyone familiar with the franchise would guess, the style and focus of gameplay doesn\'t quite jive with what most console gamers expect. Many reviewers have reacted to Myst III: Exile like our reviewer, Eric. (Click here to read his review of Myst III: Exile for Xbox.) The pacing and mechanics of the game are unusual on the console, but this is still one of the most popular franchises in the history of gaming. So Monica, a long time Myst fan, reviewed the PS2 version of the game and gives us the other side of things, showing for the right gamers, Myst has still got it. Click here.
game: Myst III: Exile
review | 12/01/02 | Eric Bodrero
Ubi Soft has brought the venerable Myst series to console systems, and, as anyone familiar with the franchise would guess, the style and focus of gameplay doesn\'t quite jive with what most console gamers expect. Many reviewers have reacted to Myst III: Exile like our reviewer, Eric. (Click here to read his review of Myst III: Exile for Xbox.) The pacing and mechanics of the game are unusual on the console, but this is still one of the most popular franchises in the history of gaming. So Monica, a long time Myst fan, reviewed the PS2 version of the game and gives us the other side of things, showing for the right gamers, Myst has still got it. Click here.
game: Xbox LIVE Goes Live
news | 11/28/02 | Shawn Rider
If you don\'t have one of these kits at right, then you probably won\'t be able to find one right now. But have no fear -- new shipments of Xbox LIVE Starter Kits are rocketing out as you read this. Xbox LIVE has launched, and in the short time it has been available over 150 thousand gamers have signed up, making it the fastest growing online gaming service ever. Sound like fun? It is.
game: Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance
review | 11/24/02 | Shawn Rider
A legendary disappointment around these parts, Baldur\'s Gate: Dark Alliance for the Xbox packs the same gorgeous visuals and great gameplay. What\'s wrong with that? Nothing, except the fact that it\'s over almost before it\'s begun and the replay value is pretty much zip.
Articles Archive | 11/22/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
The time has come, online console gamers, to prove your mettle not only to the friends on your block, but also to the whole world. Are you ready? Well, we're not. In our first week of Xbox LIVE, we've taken some horrible beatings, but we've also learned that it isn't all about scores and stats it's about having a great time playing great games, and it's about ganging up on the guy using the cartoon voice mask.
game: Panzer Dragoon Orta
preview | 11/17/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Sega\'s hit Panzer Dragoon series is getting the next generation treatment. Panzer Dragoon Orta looks to be the most amazing in a series of amazing titles. Pushing the graphical limits of the Xbox (or does it?) and providing a thrilling 3D shooter experience, we can\'t wait to get this one home with us.
game: Superman: Man of Steel
review | 11/17/02 | Jason Frank
Oh, it looks really nice. Really, REALLY nice. But Superman: Man of Steel plays very poorly. The controls are so awkward that it\'s hard to find the icing on this cake. If you\'re a huge fan of the man in the blue tights, then you might go for the rental, but average, non-super humans will struggle with crippling frustration and woe.
game: Interview: Davor Tomicic, Game and Level Designer for Croteam
interview | 11/13/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
he Xbox version of Serious Sam released yesterday, and man does it look sweet. A cult classic on the PC, Serious Sam is sure to find an audience on the Xbox, especially with sweet new extras and graphics. We got a hold of two interviews regarding the game: David Nottingham is a producer for Gotham Games and very excited about Serious Sam. Davor Tomicic is a game and level designer for Croteam and proves that those Croatians are wacky. Read on!
game: Serious Sam Interviews
interview | 11/13/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
The Xbox version of Serious Sam released yesterday, and man does it look sweet. A cult classic on the PC, Serious Sam is sure to find an audience on the Xbox, especially with sweet new extras and graphics. We got a hold of two interviews regarding the game: David Nottingham is a producer for Gotham Games and very excited about Serious Sam. Davor Tomicic is a game and level designer for Croteam and proves that those Croatians are wacky. Read on!
Articles Archive | 11/13/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
The Serious Sam Franchise has been one of the most popular and most traditional shooters on the PC. Coming out of nowhere (Croatia) and taking the gaming world by storm, both Serious Sam and Serious Sam: The Second Encounter have done very well with the GamesFirst! reviewers. Now, Gotham Games and Croteam have put together an Xbox version of Serious Sam, combining both of the PC games and all jazzed up for better graphics and intense four player action. Don't miss our interview with David Nottingham, Producer for Gotham Games.
Articles Archive | 11/13/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
The Serious Sam Franchise has been one of the most popular and most traditional shooters on the PC. Coming out of nowhere (Croatia) and taking the gaming world by storm, both Serious Sam and Serious Sam: The Second Encounter have done very well with the GamesFirst! reviewers. Now, Gotham Games and Croteam have put together an Xbox version of Serious Sam, combining both of the PC games and all jazzed up for better graphics and intense four player action. Don't miss our interview with Davor Tomicic, Game and Level Designer for Croteam.
game: TimeSplitters 2
review | 11/08/02 | Jeremy Kauffman
Eidos brings us the highly anticipated TimeSplitters 2, and this time around the game has no apologies to make. The single player mode is great fun, especially playing it with a friend, and the multiplayer mode is perhaps the most robust thing going right now on a console.
game: Whacked!
review | 11/06/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
There have been some good videogame gameshow parodies and there have been some bad ones. Microsoft\'s Whacked! falls somewhere in the middle. With nice visuals, lots of wackiness, and online play capabilities we dig it, but overall it\'s a bit simple. Welcome our newest GF! team member, Colin, by clicking here.
game: Taz: Wanted
review | 11/01/02 | Monica Hafer
Infogrames does it to us again with Taz: Wanted (available now for all systems). Taz gets to star in his own platform adventure, and it\'s mostly belching and spinning. Monica took the PS2 version for a spin, and gives her take here. Jason took the Xbox and Gamecube versions. and he has a slightly different take on it. Read \'em both.
game: Terminator: Dawn of Fate
review | 11/01/02 | Jeremy Kauffman
Who cares what Arnie is doing these days, especially when you get to play your own action hero in Terminator: Dawn of Fate. The upside is that this title is really fun to look at -- great gameplay graphics and well-done cutscenes. The downside is that this title is really painful to play. Click here.
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