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Search for 'XBOX' returned 463 results.

X-Men: Legends
game: X-Men: Legends
preview | 05/27/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
The X-men (and even the X-women) are about to start fighting evil RPG style. Featuring 15 different playable characters and loads of adventure, this action RPG looks promising. Check out the preview right here.
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MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf
game: MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf
preview | 05/27/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Still one of the most popular games on Xbox Live, the original MechAssault helped pioneer the world of games online, and has been called one of the best online action games around. MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf aims to push the genre forward and inherit the title with new tactics, new units, and new ways to play. Read up here on how this beautiful looking sequel is going to change how we battle with big bots.
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Me Lean Like Persian Prince, You Buff Like Conan: Part II
Articles Archive | 05/27/04 | Aaron Stanton
Aaron gets some hands-on time with the kiloWatt gaming controller down at E3, and reports a whole bunch of new information in this article; part II of his "Me Lean Like Persian Prince, You Buff Like Conan" series.
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Me Lean Like Persian Prince, You Buff Like Conan: Part I
Articles Archive | 04/21/04 | Aaron Stanton
True story: I was in an arcade in Hong Kong a couple of weeks ago and everyone was lining up in front the latest light-gun game sensation - Hong Kong Super Kill Cop, or something like that. I threw down my tokens and drew, only to find some high tech gadgetry was tracking my body movement.. You want your character to duck behind that desk, you better duck.. or lean, or dodge. It was like lasertag only cooler because it had all the joy of a videogame. By the time I got capped by a crime lord I was breathing heavy, sweating profusely and my muscles were cramped from over exertion. It was one of the most intense 30 seconds I've ever spent with a videogame. Apparently I'm not the only gamer in need of a little exercise. Aaron Stanton takes on the issue in his latest article. Exercise your index finger right here for the good stuff.
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James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing
game: James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing
review | 04/02/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
There's another 007 game stalking the scene, and it's possibly one of the best in a long time. Steven takes a spy, hooks up a controller, and dives in for some gadgets and glory. Be sure to read over his report here.
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Links 2004
game: Links 2004
review | 01/21/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
After a few questionable sports offerings, Microsoft regroups and offers the one of the best golfing games ever created. Whether you are a golfing fan or not, Links 2004 is the real deal. If the fantastically fun gameplay, intuitive control, or stunning courses don't get you, playing on XBL will. There's something here for everyone. So grab your funny pants and styling hat, but click here first.
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Group S Challange
game: Group S Challange
review | 01/21/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Eager to please Xbox racers who are denied the likes of Grand Turismo, Capcom serves up a heaping dish of racing action with Group S Challenge. With 50+ vehicles and great graphics, Group S Challenge starts strong, but can it maintain the pace or does it run out of gas? Click here for the answer.
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NBA Inside Drive 2004
game: NBA Inside Drive 2004
review | 01/19/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Are you ready for a game where thugs, rapists, and drug dealers compete to see who is the baddest? How about a realistic game where millions of dollars hang in the balance of a ticking clock and criminals roam free trying to earn their share? That's right, it's the NBA ind it's ready for your Xbox. NBA Inside Drive 2004 brings all the NBA action you could want, complete with XBL support for copious amounts of smack talking. Click here for the full review.
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Secret Weapons Over Normandy
game: Secret Weapons Over Normandy
review | 01/11/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Lucas Arts gives the Jedi a rest and looks to WW II for inspiration. It's no sim, but Secret Weapons Over Normandy delivers an arcade punch or two on the PC, PS2 and Xbox. But when it comes to thumb-blazing arcade dogfights, the sky is already full of aces. Is there room for one more, or does Secret Weapons Over Normandy go down in flames? Set your sights right here, and fire at will.
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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
game: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
review | 01/11/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
I consider Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic to be one of the greatest games ever created and one of the most important, intriguing texts of this young millennium. Copious amounts of dialogue conspire into well crafted conversations that carry real consequences in both gameplay and story. The Xbox masterpiece makes its way to the PC, and this one is not to be missed“ just make sure to download the patch. But click here before you do, and read the full review.
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game: Kill.Switch
review | 01/11/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
In one word, what is Namco's kill.switch? A mesmerizing story of mystery and drama of the sort not seen often enough in videogames“a thrilling adventure and a top notch action game. That's more than one word I guess, but kill.switch deserves them all and these words as well: Click here for the full review of this surprisingly stunning title.
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The Haunted Mansion
game: The Haunted Mansion
review | 12/09/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Based on the Disney ride of the same name, The Haunted Mansion delivers some surprisingly fun gameplay that's easy enough for the younger crew to enjoy while still remaining fun for adults. Does it belong under your Christmas tree? Ask Eric right here.
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Grabbed by the Ghoulies
game: Grabbed by the Ghoulies
review | 12/09/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
The wizards at Rare are easily one of the most beloved development studios around. Long the secret behind some of Nintendo's best games, Rare has a new home and they're starting to get their Xbox groove on. Grabbed by the Ghoulies is a bit too simple to be a hit for those looking for the Perfect Dark experience, but it will probably fare better with the kiddies and will no doubt find its way into a stocking or two. Click here for the full review.
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The Return of the King
game: The Return of the King
review | 12/07/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
EA's highly successful The Two Towers drew high praise from gamers for its cinematic drama and hack and slash action. It wasn't the most innovative treatment of the Tolkien classic, but it sure was fun to be a part of. The latest installment, Return of the King, looks to improve on that success, offering more characters, more cinematic feel, and best of all, multiplayer co-op. But can more hack and slash satisfy a Lord of the Rings enthusiast? With a single click, your quest for knowledge begins right here.
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Max Payne II: The Fall of Max Payne
game: Max Payne II: The Fall of Max Payne
review | 12/07/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Console gamers had to exercise a little patience when PC gamers were the first to get their hands on Max Payne 2, but the wait is over. Max is back, and this time he has company to liven things up a bit. Max is wasting bad guys and dodging bullets better than ever via the bullet time ballet, but the high point here is the superbly crafted narrative. Gamesfirst! editor Shawn Rider delves the depths of Max Payne 2, and the story begins right here.
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