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Search for 'pc' returned 530 results.
game: Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines
review | 12/07/04 | Jason Frank
With deep characters, extreme depth of play, and a strong, dark atmosphere, Bloodlines is a near perfect game... if you can get it running, that is. Do technical glitches bring this gem down? Jason takes us through the role-playing sweetness of the undead, where how you play, what you play as, and who you snack on are all just matters of personal taste.
Articles Archive | 12/02/04 | Shawn Rider
People really win here at GF! Case in point: Catherine Cole will be, in a matter of hours, whiling away her time rounding up her homies in Los Santos and putting the smackdown on suckas from the beach to the mountains. And no whining because you didn't win. Enter our Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines contest for some PC lovin'.
Articles Archive | 11/27/04 | Aaron Stanton
This is a sub-section of Part III of "Me Lean Like Persian Prince, You Buff Like Conan", a multi-part series on the KiloWatt gaming controller. The KiloWatt is an exercise machine designed to work as a gaming controller for the Xbox, PS1, PS2, GameCube, or PC.
Articles Archive | 11/27/04 | Aaron Stanton
game: Full Spectrum Warrior
review | 11/26/04 | Blaine Krumpe
There's nothing quite like a little realism in a tactical game. Originally developed as a training tool for the U.S. Military, Full Spectrum Warrior tries to separate itself from other strategy games by offering action designed to be like the real thing. Can you keep your soldiers alive under hostile fire? FSW let's you find out.
game: I of the Enemy
preview | 11/25/04 | George Holomshek
Surveys suggest that nearly half of all parents in the U.S. will be giving some sort of video game related product to their children this year for Christmas. If you want to be a part of that, but want to keep a little money in the wallet, it's always a good idea to pay attention to titles that don't cost an arm and a leg. I of the Enemy, starting at $19.95, might be just the RTS you're looking for.
game: Zoo Tycoon 2
review | 11/19/04 | George Holomshek
Microsoft's Zoo Tycoon 2 hit stores last week, and, well, let's just say that it wasn't the biggest game Microsoft put out this month. The biggest new features are probably the fully 3D graphics and the new modes that take advantage of the fully 3D graphics. Check out George's review.
game: Nemesis of the Roman Empire
review | 11/19/04 | Blaine Krumpe
Looking for some Real Time Strategy? Ever wanted to play Hannibal in a not-quite-realistic version of the hordes invading the Roman Empire? With enchantresses? Well, now's your chance. Nemesis of the Roman Empire lets you take on the armies on both sides of the war. Let our man Blaine tell you why it's a little different than that other RTS game you might be looking at right now.
game: Halo 2
review | 11/18/04 | Chris Martin
In case you\'ve been living under a rock for the past two weeks, you know that Halo 2 is out. (And in case you have a Gamecube and PC under that rock, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes and Half-Life 2 are also out.) Everyone knows that Halo 2 is pretty much
teh h0tness, but that doesn\'t stop you from wondering what we gave it, right? After all, there was that whole
Doom 3 thing a few months ago...
game: Call of Duty: United Offensive
review | 11/16/04 | Rick Fehrenbacher
Call of Duty remains a popular WWII game. Known for it's cinematic gameplay and an intense single player mode, CoD managed to topple the Medal of Honor franchise for top solo historical action. Call of Duty: United Offensive brings more solo action and enhanced multiplayer to the game, both of which are welcome additions.
game: SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom
review | 11/16/04 | Matt James
SNK brings us some 2D online goodness with SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos. Even still, the redundancy of the title, sluggish controls and even more sluggish online play are opponents this little fighter just can't KO. It ain't great; it ain't bad. It's thoroughly mediocre. Check the review for Matt's complete writeup.
game: Dawn of War
review | 11/12/04 | Rick Fehrenbacher
Dawn of War brings Warhammer 40K out of the garage and into the den, and this is one of the few times that the translation of tabletop models to screen-based pixels manages to hold up. Of course, don\'t take my word for it: Our man, and venerable Warhammer 40K tabletop player, Rick, gives Dawn of War the future apocalypic military analysis. Click for the intel.
game: City of Heroes
review | 08/25/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
There's nothing quite like a little super hero gaming to go with a summer that contained the release of one of the best super hero franchises to hit Hollywood. After seeing Spiderman 2, try your hand at creating your own super hero in City of Heroes. If you haven't played this little gem yet, it's time to stop dragging your feet and jump onboard with the rest of us super-cool do-gooders.
game: Painkiller
review | 08/25/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Looking for a game that's fast paced, ominous, looks great, and isn't called Doom 3? Painkiller might be the answer as you take on the role of another type of demon hunter. Arm yourself to fight the good fight and win your way out of purgatory by doing the dirty work of the big fellow in charge. Learn about how it's done.
game: Doom 3
review | 08/11/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
An entire generation of games was launched the day that iD released the first shareware versions of Doom back in 1994. Quake, Unreal, Half-Life; they all owe something to the game that started it all (ignoring Wolfenstein 3D, of course). Now, Doom 3 is on the shelves, and maybe the tables have turned. Let Tristan tell you about old games and new graphics. Read our review.
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