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11/09/05 | | Shawn Rider
FPS Creator is a remarkably useful tool for making first-person shooters. Single player FPS narratives are possible using the many premade program elements, which can quickly be applied to your characters and props. Arena games are also supported, although we\'re no convinced that\'s the big attraction here. Really, we just want to make a GamesFirst! theme FPS like Deus Ex. Or maybe \"This Game Sucks: The Game\"? Keep an eye out for it. In the meantime, check out Shawn\'s review of FPS Creator.

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11/07/05 | | George Holomshek
game: GameTap
GameTap is Turner Broadcasting\'s newest offering. It is a broadband games-on-demand service that allows unlimited play of hundreds of games for about $15 per month. If you\'re a hardcore retro-gaming junky, there\'s loads to love here: Games are precisely emulated like the original systems, and systems range from Atari 2600 through Commodore 64 to Dreamcast and Sega 32x. Oh, and we hear there\'s some TV-like stuff on it, too.

11/05/05 | | Matt James
When done right, the synergy of comic book and videogame can fulfill the deepest desires of many a fanboy and fangirl. The latest comic game to get it right, Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, is a must-play for any fan of the Hulk comics, and is tight enough to reward anyone with even a passing interest. Utilizing an open gameplay and mission scheme, Ultimate Destruction satisfies with an engrossing Hulk storyline and a living-world Hulk experience. And it\'s amazing how satisfying it is to just break sh*t.

11/04/05 | | Jeremy Kauffman
The second in Phantagram\'s action RTS series for the Xbox, Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes delivers on strategy and button-mashing action, but comes up short in story. Jeremy took KUF: Heroes out for a walk, and decides that in spite of the many faults, Heroes might just be worth a look for the online play, which provides RTS battle mayhem for up to six players via Xbox Live.

11/01/05 | | Amanda Bateman
Atlus serves up another hot helping of demon-eating anime goodness in Digital Devil Saga 2, the final chapter of their dark sci-fi RPG adventure. With additions including mini-games, stronger spells and attacks, new characters, and other secrets, you\'d think it\'d be hard for them to mess this one up. But don\'t go \'berserk\' on it just yet; get the scoop here before sinking your fangs into this RPG.

10/28/05 | | Chris Martin
Jack Carver\'s back and he\'s got an itch to hunt. With some additions here and there, and a mostly retooled single player campaign, Far Cry: Instincts is an ambitious project. And now, Ubisoft\'s and Crytek\'s PC port arrives on Xbox in a most surprising way. What makes it so surprising? Well, you\'ll have to read the review and find out, McCartney, this ain\'t no free ticket-to-ride.

10/27/05 | | Matt James
King of Figthers 2002/2003 is another doublepack from SNK highlighting quality ports of their classic franchise. This time around the fighting games get a new online versus mode, but that\'s not nearly enough to make this one appealing to anyone not already a King of Fighters fan. The series is feeling dated to the uninitiated, and for most folks, King of Fighters 2002/2003 is a pass (unless you\'re planning a fun-filled evening of gaming with your dad).

10/25/05 | | Blaine Krumpe
CDV\'s Blitzkrieg 2 is a hardcore grognard\'s dream: RTS gameplay simulations of famous WWII battles. Playing as either an American, Russian or German commander, you make the decisions about where and how to deploy your land, air or sea ordinance. The 3D graphics engine makes for some pretty explosions, and the rag doll physics makes the battle truly brutal. Visceral and complex, Blitzkrieg 2 is a must-play for any WWII buffs or RTS fans.

10/24/05 | | Shawn Rider
Aspyr is not one of the biggest publishers, but with some solid games under their belt (Lego Star Wars was a groundbreaking title), they\'ve put out some great experiences. The highly anticipated Stubbs the Zombie: Rebel Without a Pulse is an incredible effort. Built on the Halo engine, Stubbs the Zombie features some rock-solid gameplay that is good, wholesome, gory fun for zombie fans. Help Stubbs assemble his shuffling army of the undead and take over the small hamlet of Punchbowl, PA. Check out our full review here.

10/23/05 | | Chris Martin
Hardcore racing sim fans take note: GTR: FIA Racing is an out-of-left-field contender for the racing sim hall of fame. Built on real data from the FIA racing circuit, GTR: FIA Racing features tense simulations with some of the best opponent driver AI we\'ve ever seen in any racing title. It doesn\'t have the catalog of vehicles or the over-the-top graphics beauty of a Gran Turismo or Project Gotham, but this one has plenty of get up and go.

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