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Search for 'metal' returned 21 results.

Alien Hominid
game: Alien Hominid
review | 01/02/05 | Laurie Taylor
It's always good to see a game developed independent of the mainstream industry, as is the case of Alien Hominid, a side scrolling mountain of action that scores points with anyone that has a taste for old-school, Contra-style gameplay. Read why this stylistic GameCube and PS2 title is well worth your time.
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Nintendo DS
game: Nintendo DS
review | 12/21/04 | Matt James
No one has a track record quite like Nintendo. From the classics like Mario and Metroid to the less than stellar outings like Virtua Boy, Nintendo has a greater combination of gold and flop than any company that comes to mind. Now we have the Nintendo DS. Does it shine like metal, or stink like vector red? Make sure you read about what could be one of the greatest Christmas gifts of the season.
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Metal Slug 3
game: Metal Slug 3
review | 06/09/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Since its somewhat humble origins on the Neo-Geo console / arcade system, the Metal Slug series has developed a cult following by being one of the most addictive side-scrolling shoot-em-ups to grace any arcade or home console. Click here to read how well the latest installation makes the transition to the XBox.
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Armobiles Preview (PC)
game: Armobiles
preview | 12/16/02 | Eric Qualls
Polish developer, Ganymede Technologies, brings us a game that feels like a combination of many other games. Armobiles combines elements of Twisted Metal, San Francisco Rush, and even Re-Volt to create a game that feels surprisingly fresh and is really fun to play. Click here for the complete preview.
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Shinobi Preview
game: Shinobi
preview | 06/23/02 | Jeremy Kauffman
He kills silently and bounces off walls like loonies in the nuthouse. Nope, it\'s not Tiny Twisted Metal Bumper Cars or Tenchu Stealth Maniacs -- this is even better. Shinobi returns for another slash at the videogame market, and thank goodness. Anyone who has touched the beauty of the classic arcade game knows that a new Shinobi adventure is a very, very good thing. Click here.
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EDITORIAL - Grrrl Gamez
| 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
I\'ve wanted to write an editorial about female gamers for a long time now; I just didn\'t know what I wanted to say. I toyed with the idea of slamming the sexist way women are portrayed in games, mainly because I felt like complaining about how sick I am of seeing Lara Croft\'s square butt everywhere. But I realized that both sexes are hyper-idealized in video games. Metal Gear Solid wouldn\'t have had the same effect if Solid Snake was a screechy-voiced, pimply-faced, fat guy (well maybe that would be kind of fun). We live in an age of equal opportunity sexism. Women have anorexic Vogue models to look up to and men have their muscle-bound fantasies fueled by Men\'s Health and GQ. I decided that it\'s not the games or the gamers that are the problem, but the damned video game advertisers along with a strong dose of our cultural stereotypes.
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