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Search for 'GamesFirst! Internet Magazine' returned 22 results.

twoplayer comic: Warning! We Cause Damage!
comic | 06/12/05 | Aaron Stanton
Warning! We Cause Damage! is another twoplayer comic examining the oddities of the video game industry. Even the FBI Warnings at the front of DVDs and movies are sometimes played with for the entertainment of the audience; you have to wonder if Nintendo is ever tempted to do something similar?

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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twoplayer comic: A Little Bit of Spice
comic | 05/29/05 | Aaron Stanton
Resident Evil is famous for both its engaging gameplay and style, and its oddities. How is it that you can be literally gnawed on by an enemy who seems to think that you\'re lunch, and then be up and about again in a matter of moments simply because you squirted yourself with some sort of magical first aid spray? Makes you wonder what could possibly be in that stuff. Check out this week\'s twoplayer comic, [url=http://comics.gamesfirst.com/index.php?thisComic=14\">A Little Bit of Spice[/url].

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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twoplayer comic: Booth Babes for All!
comic | 05/20/05 | Aaron Stanton
You can\'t have E3 without booth babes? at least, not in this day and age. While the number of booth babes has greatly diminished this year " possibly a good sign " there\'s no doubt that they are an imbedded part of the E3 experience. Check out today\'s E3 twoplayer, Booth Babes for All!\"

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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twoplayer comic: Too Ugly for E3
comic | 05/18/05 | Aaron Stanton
There\'s nothing better than waking up at 6 in the morning after a night out at a Midway party. Our GF crew is in the process of getting ready for the media breakfast served at the start of each E3. Today\'s E3 twoplayer comic, Too Ugly for E3, refers to the fact that I was the only person on the GamesFirst crew that didn\'t receive my media badge in time for the trip down. While it all worked out, I felt hurt and rejected. Why was I turned away? Twoplayer provided my answer.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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twoplayer comic: Meet Xbox 2 (Part 3)
comic | 05/01/05 | Aaron Stanton
We\'re two weeks from E3 2005. That sounds like a lot of fun, but it\'s really just a lot of work for us in the industry, and if there\'s one thing we at GF! generally dislike, it\'s work. It also means that we only have 12 days until Microsoft unveils their next-generation game console, so we figure there\'s still time for Meet Xbox 2 (Part 3) before we move on to poking fun at some other companies and games in the industry. For a little insight into what goes on behind the comics, including a little bit about the daily twoplayer comics we\'ll be doing over E3, be sure to read about it here (after checking out this weeks cartoon, of course). Remember, you can always find the latest twoplayer comics at http://comics.gamesfirst.com.
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twoplayer comic: Meet Xbox 2 (Part 2)
comic | 04/23/05 | Aaron Stanton
\"Meet Xbox 2 (Part 2)\" is the second edition of twoplayer comic, our weekly webcomic based on games and the gaming culture. To take a look at the comic itself, try http://comics.gamesfirst.com. For a comment from the creators, you can read Noah\'s thoughts on the reasons for being an artist, which is apparently hair.
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How to Get Your Significant Other to Love Gaming
editorial | 10/20/02 | Monica Hafer
It\'s a common problem for those of us of the videogame loving persuasion. How can you get your loved one to love games as much as you do? It\'s a very practical problem, as games can take hours and hours to enjoy and love or family life can take similar amounts of time. Our ever-helpful mistress of the console box, Monica, delivers some useful guidelines for sharing your loves. Click here for the article.
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