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Search for 'NST' returned 167 results.
news | 10/11/06 | Aaron Stanton
The National Summit on Video Games, Youth and Policy is being held in Minnesota on October 20th and October 21st. The conference is sponsored by Iowa State University and the National Institute on Media and the Family, a group that\'s known for being critical of the game industry in the past. Will the event be hostile to pro-game journalists that have actively criticized the research of some of its speakers? Possibly. Are we going anyway? Absolutely. With a issues like The Truth in Video Game Ratings Act in Congress, I can\'t think of a better place for our industry\'s attention to fall.
game: Robowarrior
feature | 10/07/06 | James Gardiner
RoboWarrior: a game with an unrecognizable title, perhaps, but a title of some great importance. For instance, RoboWarrior was partly responsible for the fall of the former Soviet Union; when Jaleco sent copies of it to civilians, there commenced massive riots and burnings of giant NES effigies in the streets! Don\'t bother looking that little tidbit of knowledge up in a history book, it\'s all part of a Soviet cover-up to keep it very hush hush. Today, the story of a man named ZED will be told!
game: Perimeter: Emperor's Testament
review | 10/02/06 | Sean Hilliard
In a world where your only hope is a bizarre dude named \"Emperor\" who constantly prattles on about the \"sponge,\" Sean\'s review is your roadmap. And if that sentence makes sense to you, then Perimeter: Emperor\'s Testament is a game you should check out. Plus, if finding out how Snakes on a Plane, GF!\'s Chris Martin, Stephen Colbert and vodka-guzzling bears from Russia would make one heck of a game together interests you then click the link above. Support GF!\'s dedication to promoting the hilariously bad while you\'re at it.
game: Xbox Live Vision Camera
review | 09/26/06 | Shawn Rider
The Xbox Live Vision Camera is a great thing in most ways, but we wish there were more to do with it at the moment. Having just launched, not a lot of folks have dropped the 40 beans necessary to add a (slightly creepy) glowing eye to your Xbox 360s already too powerful and communicative brain. But the potential is undeniable: A solid camera and incredibly easy installation and configuration bode well for this device, which may also hold Microsoft\'s key to providing Wii-like game interaction without a controller. Get the full story in our eyes-on review.
game: Assassin's Creed
news | 09/26/06 | Chris Martin
Can\'t get enough of this sharp new game from Ubi Soft? Assassin\'s Creed is a hot item on many to-buy list, but since we have neither chirp nor howl from Ubi Soft regarding a release date, we\'re going to have to deal with this video instead.
game: Sam and Max
news | 09/18/06 | Aaron Stanton
The advent of services like Xbox Live and the Wii Virtual Console have changed the dynamics of the industry. Suddenly there\'s a marketplace for less mainstream genres that have a hard time competing against the likes of Halo and Zelda. One such genre: Adventure Games. According to, Nintendo has heard fans asking for adventure game content and contacted TellTale games about the possibility of bringing Sam and Max to the Wii. A sure thing? Far from it, but it\'s nice to know that you can make a difference if you shout loud enough. Good job, guys and gals.
game: Saint's Row
review | 09/16/06 | Sean Hilliard
Saint\'s Row is unmistakably influenced by Grand Theft Auto, but it manages to improve on the GTA formula in certain aspects. And why not? It took Rockstar almost a decade to get gamers into airplanes for crying out loud. And this is the 21st Century! Shouldn\'t we be able to save without retreating to a hideout? And for all of everyone\'s talk about the GTA games being open-ended, free-roaming adventures, they\'re actually incredibly linear narratives constrained by Hollywood cliches. Join the free-roaming revolution and read Sean\'s review.
preview | 09/04/06 | Amanda Bateman
You thought they were gone, but you were wrong. So very wrong. Pikachu and his Pokemon crew are back to wreak playful havoc on the GBA and now the DS as Nintendo prepares to release four new Pokemon RPG\'s in the next few months. What do we have coming to fear-erm, look forward to? Find out here.
news | 09/04/06 | Aaron Stanton
It\'s common for companies to sell services that a customer could easily do themselves with a little training; it\'s often more convenient to pay someone to do the job than to take the time to learn. But now, Circuit City is offering to install software on your Xbox 360 that is basically shipped preinstalled from the manufacturer. For a fee of $28.99, Circuit City will install software that lets you play original Xbox titles on your Xbox 360. Their advertising doesn\'t mention that many Xbox games can be played without their \"software\" installation, or that what they\'re really offering to do is to install a free update from Microsoft. The problem isn\'t the service, it\'s the misleading style of the service, and we sincerely hope the practice changes very soon.
game: Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel
review | 07/10/06 | Laurie Taylor
The graphic novel has earned itself a standing as an independent art form over the years, and is now moving into the digital realm. Following in the footsteps of the Silent Hill Experience, Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel comes to the PSP under the banner of a new medium. Except, instead of just telling a good story in classic graphic novel form, the developers felt obligated to include uninteresting and tedious gameplay elements into the presentation. The result is promising, but less than perfect. Graphic novel fans should be excited about the potential, but for now the rich promise of digital graphic novels on the PSP remains unrealized.
game: The Movies: Stunts and Effects
review | 07/07/06 | Jason Perkins
Lionhead Studios addressed the lack of special effects in last year\'s The Movies by releasing an expansion pack, The Movies: Stunts and Effects. Installing the new expansion changes very little in the simulation until you\'ve played through the 1960s, but opens up a wide range of options for the machinima community. Budding directors can now control a freely movable camera and place stuntmen into precariously dangerous situations. Stunts and Effects is aimed at gamers who are already invested in The Movies and want to make it better; for everyone else it\'s just a worthy addition that adds yet another group of needy staffers for the player to manage. Check out the full review.
game: Metal Saga
review | 06/02/06 | Amanda Bateman
Atlus and developer Success bring us Metal Saga, a sci-fi RPG set in a post-apocalyptic world where outlaws and monsters run rampant. You play a nameless boy on a mission to save the world. Does that sound like a typical RPG plot? Absolutely. But when you add in some clever humor, plenty of minigames and non-linear extras to explore, and canine companions sporting heavy military-style rocketry, it can\'t be all bad, can it? Amanda took on the challenge of Metal Saga. Get her rerview here.
editorial | 05/26/06 | RJ Brooks
The overwhelming market domination of the PS2 has been Sony\'s biggest strength, as well as their chossen ideology in the PS3\'s console design, specs, and marketing. Ironically, the PS3 is also proving that size is not everything when it goes up against innovation (Nintendo and Microsoft). What has been presented by Sony as \"the next generation\" begs the question: While the PS3\'s tag-line reads \"Go Beyond\" is Sony really taking their own advice? With a system price that exceeds both their competition combined, is Sony prepared to push themselves beyond a game of matching, and truly lead the industry?
preview | 05/21/06 | Monica Hafer
For any gamer who wants to get in shape, or who just wants to add a little more movement to their gaming experience, the new additions to the Qmotions family will get you in the game in a completely different way. Featuring the Xboard \"boarding game\" controller, a funky exercise bike controller, and both baseball an golf simulators, Qmotions lineup is looking good. And the best part is, these devices are coming in at realistic prices, which, our friend Monica believes, should open up these possibilities to more mainstream gamers.
game: Shadowrun
feature | 05/18/06 | Aaron Stanton
When you put a keyboard and mouse against a console controller, most people would say that the keyboard and mouse would win. However, most people would be wrong. With the introduction of Live Anywhere, a service that will put Xbox 360 players against PC users in the same games, the game industry has found a new perspective on the old debate. After a few minutes with one of the Shadowrun developers, it became clear that their main problem was not making the 360 controller competitive with the PC, but keeping the PC from getting owned by the Xbox 360. Even against experienced Halo and Counterstrike players, fairly average Xbox players seemed to have an advantage on the battlefield. Sometimes, reality is surprising.
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