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Search for 'NDS' returned 274 results.
game: Super Puzzle Fighter II
review | 09/01/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Masterful puzzle action finds its way to the Gameboy Advance with Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo?one of the most addictive puzzle games available. Just make sure you have a system link if you want to dive into the multiplayer action. If you dig puzzle games, click here now.
game: Painkiller
preview | 07/20/03 | Tristan Mayshark
Dreamcatcher Interactive has what just might be their first full-fledged hit on their hands. Painkiller is still early in development, but so far the super pretty visuals and visceral gameplay have won it some notice. Now all they and developer People Can Fly have to do is land this baby in an appropriate manner. Exciting.
game: Painkiller
preview | 07/20/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Dreamcatcher Interactive has what just might be their first full-fledged hit on their hands. Painkiller is still early in development, but so far the super pretty visuals and visceral gameplay have won it some notice. Now all they and developer People Can Fly have to do is land this baby in an appropriate manner. Exciting. Click here for more.
game: Guild Wars
preview | 07/06/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Notable MMORPG publisher NCSoft has unveiled their next big thing: Guild Wars. This looks like the same high quality gaming experience we've seen before, but NCSoft has an ace up their sleeve: Guild Wars will be the first MMORPG without a monthly user fee. Yep. Plus all kinds of other cool stuff. Click for more.
game: Sony Eye Toy
preview | 06/14/03 | Monica Hafer
Sony unveiled their Eye Toy at E3. It\'s basically a hi-res webcam that perches on top of your TV set to \'put\' you in the game. Right now it plays a dozen simple titles that are mostly hardware demos. We can\'t wait to use it for those late night sultry gamer webchats... I\'ll bet GTfan4798 is just as hot as he sounds...
game: Eye Toy
preview | 06/14/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Sony unveiled their Eye Toy at E3. It's basically a hi-res webcam that perches on top of your TV set to 'put' you in the game. Right now it plays a dozen simple titles that are mostly hardware demos. We can't wait to use it for those late night sultry gamer webchats... I'll bet GTfan4798 is just as hot as he sounds... Click here for more.
game: Guild Wars
preview | 06/13/03 | Shawn Rider
Notable MMORPG publisher NCSoft has unveiled their next big thing: Guild Wars. This looks like the same high quality gaming experience we\'ve seen before, but NCSoft has an ace up their sleeve: Guild Wars will be the first MMORPG without a monthly user fee. Yep. Plus all kinds of other cool stuff. Click for more.
game: Gran Turismo 4
preview | 06/05/03 | Jeremy Kauffman
Sony\'s sure to have another hit on their hands, and GT fans will simply have another \"hit\" when Gran Turismo 4 comes out, hopefully sometime next year. Featuring enhanced graphics, physics, and AI, the big draw this time around is sure to be the online multiplayer. Start your engines!
game: Gran Turismo 4
preview | 06/05/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Sony's sure to have another hit on their hands, and GT fans will simply have another "hit" when Gran Turismo 4 comes out, hopefully sometime next year. Featuring enhanced graphics, physics, and AI, the big draw this time around is sure to be the online multiplayer. Start your engines! Click.
game: Savage
preview | 05/22/03 | Aaron Stanton
One thing we love about this job is spotting new games from small, unknown companies, that are going to make big, big waves. Say hello to iGames, the publisher, S2, the developer, and Savage: The Battle for Newerth, the RTSFPS that will have you and 63 of your closest friends staying up all night long. This game is innovative, beautiful, and, most importantly, loads of fun. Check it out here.
game: World of Warcraft
preview | 05/19/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Blizzard made a great showing at E3 this year. World of Warcraft is looking amazing, and that brand new secret playable race has made everyone lose their minds. I\'d like to tell you all about how beautiful this game is and how much fun it will be to play, but I\'ll leave that to Todd in his thorough preview. Click here for the scoop.
game: X-Files: Resist or Serve
preview | 04/20/03 | Matt James
That gorgeous mug at right can only mean one thing: another X-Files game. X-Files: Resist or Serve should be a worthy adaptation, mainly because veteran developer Black Ops is taking the title in what sounds like the perfect direction: a third-person action narrative focusing on spooking the alien mind control oil right out of you. Click here.
game: Highland Warriors
review | 04/11/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
For those of you who can\'t get enough Scots, Data Becker has released a real-time strategy title that packs in loads and loads of kilts. Highland Warriors will have you traversing the bonny landscape with your beskirted army, bent on destroying those English pig dogs. Yay! Click here for more.
game: Tetris Worlds
review | 01/01/03 | Aaron Stanton
Classical puzzle action finds its way to the Xbox in Tetris Worlds, complete with addictive gameplay and even Xbox Live multiplayer action. On the downside, it\'s still just Tetris. Click here to find out if it\'s for you.
game: Ripping Friends
review | 12/22/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
John K\'s latest abomination is Ripping Friends, showing on Cartoon Network\'s Adult Swim. It\'s not a good cartoon: The titular friends are just grotesque Tick wannabes and it all feels like the boring parts of Ren and Stimpy rehashed. But that\'s a lot better than the game... Click here.
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