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Search for 'ice' returned 255 results.
game: Superman: Man of Steel
review | 11/17/02 | Jason Frank
Oh, it looks really nice. Really, REALLY nice. But Superman: Man of Steel plays very poorly. The controls are so awkward that it\'s hard to find the icing on this cake. If you\'re a huge fan of the man in the blue tights, then you might go for the rental, but average, non-super humans will struggle with crippling frustration and woe.
game: Logitech MX Series Mice
review | 11/17/02 | Shawn Rider
Logitech\'s latest lineup of mice is pretty dang phenomenal. The MX series, featuring the MX 300, MX 500, and MX 700, incorporates Logitech\'s next generation optical technology, meaning that these are the most accurate and reliable mice out there. Lots of custom features, PC to Mac compatibility, and easy installation add up to a hit.
Articles Archive | 11/12/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Dana Bruno runs the one-woman-show, The Bruno Report (, which has been getting more than a little notice recently due to her high profile involvement in the Search 4 E. Search 4 E ( is a project underway from True Crime Press to utilize Websurfing civillians to help solve the mystery of what happened to the even more mysterious "E" (Ed Sobian, Eric Sobel, or Emil Sobiak, take your pick). Currently there is reluctance in the law enforcement community to take up the missing persons case, largely due to the fact that it is hard to determine whether E was kidnapped or ran away, so in a move spearheaded by James Pitt (the well-known author) and True Crime Press, private investigators have been brought in. The allure of large amounts of money and valuable items found by professional and amateur investigators researching the case has helped generate serious interest.
game: Whacked!
review | 11/06/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
There have been some good videogame gameshow parodies and there have been some bad ones. Microsoft\'s Whacked! falls somewhere in the middle. With nice visuals, lots of wackiness, and online play capabilities we dig it, but overall it\'s a bit simple. Welcome our newest GF! team member, Colin, by clicking here.
Articles Archive | 11/06/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
It turns out that in Montgomery County, Maryland, police are looking into "tips" they received on their sniper hotline concerning Grand Theft Auto 3, as described in this article from The Jeffersonian. Callers phoning the line apparently reported that in Grand Theft Auto 3 you could use a sniper rifle to shoot whomever you'd like. So in the interest of thoroughly investigating the case, several police officers from the Montgomery County Police Department have purchased GTA3 from a Circuit City over the past couple weeks. Are these guys doing a bunch of hard work, or are they simply catching up on their games?
Articles Archive | 10/20/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
It is the plague of gamers everywherehow do you get the one you love to love your gaming habit? The most obvious and commonly attempted ploy is trying to get your significant other to develop his or her own habit. But sometimes this is a more difficult prospect than one might expect. I have heard many of my male counterparts bemoan the fact that his wife or girlfriend just doesn't understand his need to spend hours on the console or computer and that it is jeopardizing both of the loves of his life. As I am a firm believer in the "love me, love my obsessions" philosophy, I decided put my mind to work figuring out how to lure your partner into the gaming fold. After much thought, I finally came up with a strategy that I think will work for almost anyone. So here goes?my best advice for winning over your one and only.
game: Icewind Dale II
review | 10/16/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Interplay brings us the last RPG to use the Infinity engine. A bit of silence is in order. OK, now we can make a whole lot of noise about Icewind Dale II. Utilizing the Third Edition AD&D rules set, it isn\'t the prettiest RPG out there, but it is one of the biggest and best. Click here.
news | 09/23/02 | Shawn Rider
Yahoo! gave us a sneak peak at their Games On Demand service this weekend, and boy did we have fun with it. Filling the PC rental void, this service allows broadband PC users to rent games online, and it works like a charm. Read all about it right here.
Articles Archive | 09/23/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Yahoo! has built a lot of things in the past. Beginning as a list of websites circulated through email and newsgroups, it could be said that Yahoo! is a good portion of the reason the World Wide Web took off the way it did we wouldn't be surfing around so much if we had to rely on JoeBob's List of Kickass Links to get the job done. The company has always been on the cutting edge; from their unique ad campaigns to their development of community-oriented online spaces, they have done a lot to enhance our experience of the Web and to bring new users online.
game: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
preview | 09/18/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Rockstar has finally given us some more information about Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. This coincides with the unveiling of the official GTA: Vice City website, which is pretty snazzy in the purest of Rockstar traditions. Check out our preview again, and then click on the link to the official website. All you need is right here. Click!
game: Crime Patrol 2: Drug Wars
review | 09/16/02 | Shawn Rider
Digital Leisure continues to resurrect long gone laser disc titles for us to play on our DVD player or DVD ready PS2 and Xbox. Crime Patrol 2: Drug Wars is a campy on-rails shooter that takes you back to some Miami Vice, Reagan-era drug policy. It\'s worth a laugh at least. Click here.
game: GORE
review | 09/10/02 | Aaron Stanton
Dreamcatcher Interactive brings us a first person shooter that doesn\'t do a lot of new things, but should liven up your next LAN bash a bit. GORE provides the basic FPS experience we\'ve come to know and love -- lots of mindless violence and some nice graphics. All of this at a bargain price, too. Not bad. Click here.
game: Barbarian
review | 09/04/02 | Monica Hafer
Titus gives us Barbarian, an arena based fighter that puts you into a fantasy world in dire need of a good saving. Sound familiar? Barbarian doesn\'t break a lot of new ground, but it does provide a nice distraction for awhile and hints at some good possibilities. Click here.
game: Altec Lansing XA3021 Speakers
review | 07/26/02 | Jeremy Kauffman
Altec Lansing is making a big push this year in the console gaming slash home theater arena. Their XA3021 speaker setup enhances your TV sound, adding some booming bass and nice mids and highs. At $100, this setup dominates its price range. Plus, that subwoofer looks like a bomb. How cool is that? Click here.
game: SOCOM: US Navy Seals Hands-on
preview | 07/20/02 | Jeremy Kauffman
Sony\'s betting big money on SOCOM: US Navy Seals, and from what we\'ve seen, it\'s a safe bet. The game is being pushed as an online multiplayer title, but the single player game is really great already. Nice AI, team strategizing, serious realism, and just plain fun gameplay should get it on your list of ways to avoid homework. Click here.
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