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12/29/04 | | Chris Martin
category: archive
It's been five years since the original Half-life wowed the world with its brilliantly executed in-game scripting and storytelling; quite a wait for those of us holding our breaths for a full-blown sequel. Now we have it, possibly one of the most beautiful games ever, and with a crowbar that can actually break open barrels this time around. Can it possibly be as good as the original? Find out.

12/27/04 | | Jason Frank
category: archive
Lineage II is the most popular MMORPG in the world. Thousands of individuals worldwide love the game and play it religiously, so much that players in Southeast Asia are occasionally carted off to the hospital after multi-day Lineage II benders. Of course, not everyone is so enamored of the MMORPG genre, or with, specifically, Lineage II. And one of those folks happens to be our own Jason Hickman. We know we're going to take it on this one, but we feel obligated to express an array of opinion, so click the details to read the review, then let the flaming commence.

12/26/04 | | Chris Martin
category: archive
The trash-talkin', poo-whompin', Tediz slaughterin' squirrel is back. Conker: Live and Reloaded is the Xbox update of one of the best platformers for the N64. And although we loved the game on the N64, it's a little hard to imagine Rare spending the time to bring the same game out again on the Xbox. So let's take a hands-on look at the game with our man, Chris, to see just what we can expect, and get a better idea if this game should elicit a big sigh, or a big squeal.

12/26/04 | | Jeremy Kauffman
category: archive
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War brings us the same great action we've come to expect from the franchise. If blowing things up in a jet and really gorgeous visuals are for you, but you can't be bothered with the details of true flight sims, then the Ace Combat games are ideal. Unsung War is no different: Great graphics and tight, easy controls, mixed with a few new feature and a totally laughable storyline mark this as a game for the more arcade-oriented flight enthusiast.

12/22/04 | | Chris Martin
category: archive
With less than three days until Christmas, it's crunch time for Santa and his helpers. We're all gearing up for big feasts, big trees, and for big game marathons with friends and family on an upcoming winter day. Still kids deep down inside, we're also gearing up for the Christmas morning tree rush, in which the grown men and women (or at least me) here at GF! give up adulthood for a moment and act like children again. What's the number one item we're hoping to find under the tree? Be sure to read Part I and II, posted over the last week or so, and then find out what's really got us hungry here in Part III. After you get done with that, relax, kick off your shoes, and have yourself a wonderful holiday, and a very merry Christmas!

12/21/04 | | Matt James
category: archive

The Nintendo DS has launched with a dicey line-up of titles, touting one or two great games and a fair number barely worth your time. Mario 64 DS certainly qualifies as one of the first. Don't pick up a DS without this little gem in your pocket, because it's the best the DS has to offer at the moment. Be sure to read our review.

12/21/04 | | Matt James
category: archive
No one has a track record quite like Nintendo. From the classics like Mario and Metroid to the less than stellar outings like Virtua Boy, Nintendo has a greater combination of gold and flop than any company that comes to mind. Now we have the Nintendo DS. Does it shine like metal, or stink like vector red? Make sure you read about what could be one of the greatest Christmas gifts of the season.

12/19/04 | | Chris Martin
category: archive
With Christmas getting closer (only 6 days now), it's time to look at what else people here at GF! are wanting for Christmas. Part I held some surprises “ Halo 2 only third on the list? “ as well as the heads up on games some of us hadn't even heard of. After reading Part I, posted three days ago, be sure to read Part II right here.

12/18/04 | | Chris Martin
category: archive
Chris continues his quest for the perfect driving simulation when he gets his hands on the new demo of Forza Motorsport, Microsoft's answer to Gran Turismo. With both Gran Turismo 4 and Motorsport hitting the road side by side in 2005, the question we're all wondering is, How are they going to compare?? Will Motorsport be able to unseat the king? Read Chris's Motorsport preview for details on what keeps Microsoft's title in the race. Check it out.

12/16/04 | | Chris Martin
category: archive
There's no time better in the gaming industry than Christmas, partly because there's always an excess of quality holiday titles hitting the shelves, but also partly because it's the one time of year when someone else might join in the feeding of our gaming habits. It's a time of possibility; a time when not only is it possible to maybe get free games, but if classics like Miracle on 34th Street are to be believed, also, maybe, things like houses and stuff. So when we here at GF! asked a number of our crew what they really wanted for Christmas, we didn't let them be limited by anything like reality. Be sure to read Part I of our GamesFirst! Christmas Wishlist, where we reveal the true depth of our gaming addictions (a few of the responses may lead to psychiatric evaluations, and probably at least one committal? it happens every year). Only 9 days and counting!

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