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Search for 'XBox 360' returned 176 results.

Xbox 360 Bundles Have Gamers Throwing Fits
news | 08/24/05 | Shawn Rider
EB Games is the first major retailer to post their Xbox 360 preorder page and reveal that they will be selling the console in two bundles (corresponding to the two flavors Microsoft is releasing) which increase the price of each system by $300. This move does not bode well for gamers this holiday season, who are used to being forced into bad bundles in order to purchase scarce new hardware.
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Bethesda Confirms that Oblivion will Utilize Xbox360 Hard Drive
news | 08/18/05 | Aaron Stanton
Bethesda, maker of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, has confirmed that their upcoming 360 title will utilize the Xbox 360 hard drive. They also confirm, however, that the game will function on the $300 version of the system, as well, merely pointing out that it would be better to own the system with a hard drive. This begs the question: What\'s going to be the difference?
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Microsoft Announces Xbox 360 Launch Price
news | 08/17/05 | Aaron Stanton
Microsoft has announced that the Xbox 360 will sell in two versions, a $300 version without a hard drive or wireless controller (wired instead), and a $400 version that ships with a 20 GB hard drive, a wireless controller, and an Xbox Live headset. Both versions will be available at launch. Additionally, Microsoft announced the price point for a number of other peripherals, including stand-alone wireless controllers, Xbox Live headsets, and a 20 GB detachable hard drive.
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E3 2005: Kameo: Elements of Power
game: E3 2005: Kameo: Elements of Power
preview | 05/27/05 | Eric Bodrero
One of the Xbox 360 titles that Microsoft was demonstrating at this year's E3 was Kameo: Elements of Power. Originally announced for the GameCube, then the Xbox, and finally settling on the Xbox 360 as an exclusive, this massive adventure title will help launch the new system. With huge battles involving thousands of enemy A.I. and a style that looks to target the Zelda-fan demographic, Kameo is one to watch. Check out our E3 2005 preview.
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E3 2005: Hands-on With Gears of War
game: E3 2005: Hands-on With Gears of War
preview | 05/24/05 | Aaron Stanton
One of the more polished games shown for the Xbox 360 at E3 2005, Gears of War is an over-the-shoulder shooter with a style reminiscent of Brute Force, only fun to play. While the world was wondering what the next generation titles would look like, screens from Gears of War have been on the Internet since E3 2004, when they were shown off under a different name for an Unreal 3 engine demonstration. Now we get to see more details about how the game plays as Aaron checks out the title behind closed doors.
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E3 2005: Full Auto
game: E3 2005: Full Auto
preview | 05/20/05 | Laurie Taylor
Any game that can claim to be next generation? is a hot topic this year. The Xbox 360, PS3, and Revolution all have a great deal of buzz, but we're only now starting to see the first hints of what the games themselves will actually look like. Every screenshot we've seen has been from early developer kits, which are traditionally less powerful than the final systems. We get a look at the Xbox 360 title Full Auto.
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twoplayer comic: It Does Everything!
comic | 05/17/05 | Aaron Stanton
This morning\'s twoplayer hits on my main focus of the day, which is Nintendo\'s press conference. We\'ve already seen glimpses of Microsoft\'s Xbox 360, and now we know more about the PS3; the big mystery that remains is the Nintendo Revolution. Be sure to check out today\'s twoplayer, It Does Everything!

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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A 2nd (and better) Xbox 360 Unveiling
Articles Archive | 05/13/05 | Aaron Stanton
The MTV Xbox 360 unveiling that took place last night was a bit of a let-down for most of us here at GamesFirst. The show was catchy, with lots of scene cuts, music, and cheering crowds, but revealed almost nothing about the actual system. While it confirmed a few rumors that have been floating around, it didn't do much else, and every picture of the system came and went too fast to get a good look. There's another Xbox 360 unveiling video though, and it's available on the web. This second video is well put together and offers a better look at the actual system.
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Chris's Xbox 360 MTV Special Impressions
Articles Archive | 05/12/05 | Chris Martin
In a bold move, Microsoft teamed up with MTV to unveil their new console Xbox 360. Inside are Chris's impressions on the games, the system, and life in general.
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Aaron's Xbox 360 MTV Special Impressions
Articles Archive | 05/12/05 | Aaron Stanton
The problem with having part of our editorial staff on the east coast and part on the west coast is that one half gets a 3 hour head start on TV specials. Shawn, based out of New York, picked up the MTV special a bit before those of us over here on the west coast did, and managed to get his thoughts up before we'd even had a chance to glimpse the brief flicker on the TV that we think must have been the MTV special “ it was too short and never focused on the 360 long enough for us to tell. Shawn jotted down his notes in the earlier post; now here are Aaron's thoughts on what Microsoft showed the world of their next generation game console.
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Editorial: Notes Scribbled in the Dark While Watching a Really Long Xbox Commercial
Articles Archive | 05/12/05 | Shawn Rider
"Everybody here is in, obviously." Obviously. We haven't seen this kind of "drank the punch" vigor since Election 2004. In a move sure to annoy others much more than it annoys us (mainly because we don't get invited to the really good events anyway), Microsoft revealed the Xbox on MTV tonight. Shawn watched it, and while he did, he scribbled these notes.
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