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Search for 'NES' returned 240 results.

Second Sight
game: Second Sight
review | 02/23/05 | Chris Martin
It seems like a fundamental rule of thumb in video games: coma = amnesia and psychic powers. Few games execute the mystery and atmosphere of such creepy going-ons, though, as well as Free Radical's budget title Second Sight. It's atmospheric and story driven, and worth your money if you're looking for a game that will keep your interest. Read the full review to find out the details.
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game: Kuon
review | 02/12/05 | Laurie Taylor
Kuon on the PS2 seems like a minor release when compared to the new Resident Evil 4, but then perhaps that's part of its appeal. As an import title that you might have a hard time finding at your local rental outlet, Kuon offers rich import flavors, gameplay, and traditional survival horror control schemes. Does it have a place on your shelf? Read the review to find out.
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DGL 4300 Gigabit Gaming Router
game: DGL 4300 Gigabit Gaming Router
review | 01/21/05 | Shawn Rider
It's a persistant question: How can I prioritize my gaming bandwidth over my download bandwidth? Whether you just download Podcasts on a regular schedule, or you share your connection with three other machines downloading email, if you want to keep lag low you need a router to prioritize gaming traffic. Fortunately, D-Link has heard our cries, and has given us the DGL 4300, a gamer's new favorite thing.
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New Contest Posted
Articles Archive | 01/19/05 | Shawn Rider
Congratulations to Damon Shaw, the winner of our Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines contest. And for those of you who are not Damon Shaw, you might want to get over to the contest page to see the latest offerings. We're going to give away over 20 prize packages next month, and you know you can't miss that.
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Call of Duty: Finest Hour
game: Call of Duty: Finest Hour
review | 01/10/05 | Chris Martin
Call of Duty on the PC offered a crafted and immersive jaunt through the bowels of World War II. Does Finest Hour do the same? Take a look at Call of Duty on the console, and you'll find a run-and-gun shooter trailing a slightly different path than its PC brother. Read the review for details.
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Ubisoft Focus: Brothers in Arms
game: Ubisoft Focus: Brothers in Arms
preview | 01/05/05 | Aaron Stanton
Take a look at Brothers in Arms, a tactical shooter aiming to offer one of the most realistic WWII experiences in gaming history. Taking place over terrain modeled on actual maps of real world battle locations, Brothers in Arms looks to offer an engaging and intense story with all the gameplay goodness of other Ubisoft titles like Rainbow Six 3. Check it out.
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Ubisoft Focus: Tork: Prehistoric Punk
game: Ubisoft Focus: Tork: Prehistoric Punk
preview | 12/31/04 | Chris Martin
Lots of people claim to have developer loyalty, but developers aren't the only ones that make the dream of a game come true. While their work might make a game good, it's publishers that get a game sold. If Ubisoft hadn't taken a chance on a few unique design concepts, games like Prince of Persia and the brilliant Beyond Good and Evil wouldn't have ever made it out of the developer's door. In the first of our Publisher Focus series, we're taking a look at what games Ubisoft has planned for us, starting with Tork: Prehistoric Punk. Make sure you read about this January release.
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Me Lean Like Persian Prince, You Buff Like Conan: Part IV
game: Me Lean Like Persian Prince, You Buff Like Conan: Part IV
review | 12/25/04 | Aaron Stanton
The KiloWatt is an all-system controller designed to make those best selling games of the season work to shrink our wastline instead of expand it. Can you get fit and play at the same time? Any game you want? The Kilowatt seems to think you can.
This is part IV, the final review, of GF!\'s KiloWatt coverage, a humorous and informative series on the effectiveness of the Kilowatt as a gaming device and an exercise machine. It\'s a read for everyone who loves games, loves a gamer, or is just worried about the extra bulge.

Make sure to start at the begining:

Part I: Introduction
Part II: E3 Hands-on
Part III: First Impressions
Part IV: Final Review
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Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines
game: Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines
review | 12/07/04 | Jason Frank
With deep characters, extreme depth of play, and a strong, dark atmosphere, Bloodlines is a near perfect game... if you can get it running, that is. Do technical glitches bring this gem down? Jason takes us through the role-playing sweetness of the undead, where how you play, what you play as, and who you snack on are all just matters of personal taste.
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2D Reciprocity: Games that should be continued in 2D
Articles Archive | 12/06/04 | Chris Martin
There's nothing like the first solid snowfall of December to bring back memories of the good ˜ol yesteryears. A lot has changed since the days of the Super NES and classic 2D games. With the recent release of the first next generation handheld, the DS, what you might have found under your Christmas tree in the 1990s is looking worse and worse even when compared to today's portable systems, not counting the home consoles. Is that good? Click here to let Chris tell you what there is to miss about the days of yore.
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GTA: San Andreas Contest Winner Announced
Articles Archive | 12/02/04 | Shawn Rider
People really win here at GF! Case in point: Catherine Cole will be, in a matter of hours, whiling away her time rounding up her homies in Los Santos and putting the smackdown on suckas from the beach to the mountains. And no whining because you didn't win. Enter our Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines contest for some PC lovin'.
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Midway Arcade Treasures 2
game: Midway Arcade Treasures 2
review | 11/30/04 | Chris Martin
Some people have greater claim to history than others. Britney Spears, who's been a pop icon for somewhere around five years, has a harder time legitimately releasing a Greatest Hits album than say, The Rolling Stones, or The Beatles. But in the videogame industry, few companies can claim history like Midway, and they've put together another collection of classics to let us gamers relive the old-school. How have these forerunners held up over the years? Make sure you read our review to find out if this collection should make it into a loved one's gift pile? or onto your wish list.
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Me Lean Like Persian Prince, You Buff Like Conan: Part III
Articles Archive | 11/27/04 | Aaron Stanton

The KiloWatt is an all-system controller designed to make those best selling games of the season work to shrink our wastline instead of expand it. Can you get fit and play at the same time? Any game you want? The Kilowatt seems to think you can.

This is part III of GF!'s KiloWatt coverage, a humorous and informative series on the effectiveness of the Kilowatt as a gaming device and an exercise machine. Ready in time for the Christmas season, it's a read for everyone who loves games, loves a gamer, or is just worried about the extra bulge.

Make sure to start at the begining:

Part I: Introduction

Part II: E3 Hands-on

Part III: First Impressions

Part IV: Final Review

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Technic Beat
game: Technic Beat
review | 11/20/04 | Steffan Del Piano
Technic Beat's box features these words: Manic, mayhem, madness, mind-blowing, bizarre, and odd. Yep, that just about sums it up.
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Halo 2
game: Halo 2
review | 11/18/04 | Chris Martin
In case you\'ve been living under a rock for the past two weeks, you know that Halo 2 is out. (And in case you have a Gamecube and PC under that rock, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes and Half-Life 2 are also out.) Everyone knows that Halo 2 is pretty much teh h0tness, but that doesn\'t stop you from wondering what we gave it, right? After all, there was that whole Doom 3 thing a few months ago...
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