07/29/05 | | Chris Martin
Game strategies are good; learning all the button combinations will certainly put you ahead in most games. Sometimes, though, you die no matter how carefully you follow a strategy guide's advice, and then it's time for some bigger guns. When practice lets you down, don't be afraid to pick up a cheat or two and float past that tough boss with ease. Here's a few tips to help you get off the ground.
07/26/05 | | Chris Martin
Sometimes games are not forgiving. You find yourself battling a monster for the hundredth time, and you can't help but wonder if maybe your game system might look better disassembled and strung out as wall decoration. Before you start shoving peanut butter into the DVD drive of your console as punishment, take a breath and read about getting by those difficult situations. No matter what the game, these tips will probably help.
07/20/05 |
Xbox | Chris Martin
Hands down, Forza Motorsport is one of the best racing games around. When Microsoft introduced this brilliant title, they were aiming for the throat of the Gran Turismo franchise, and they did a magnificent job of scoring a critical hit. Now that you've got a copy of the game, learn how to optimize your cars for the best racing possible. You shouldn't race without reading this guide. If you don't, you'll probably lose to the people that do.
07/08/05 | | Aaron Stanton
Timesplitters Future Perfect has the best Xbox Live feature of any game on the market, and it has nothing to do with how well the voice chat works or whether or not you can play capture the castle. It's the ability for players to build and upload their own maps for download on Xbox Live. Aaron takes a moment to call on the next generation of gaming to go a step beyond that, and figure out how to integrate player created content into the console world, starting with Ghost Recon 3.
06/14/05 | | Monica Hafer
The growth of the video game industry and the acceptance of gaming into mainstream society has brought about both positives and negatives. Companies like Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft drive technology forward, but how does that leave the small, independent developers that helped give this industry its footing? An interview with Stardock reveals that there's a lot of spunk left in the independent market, and perhaps a healthier business model than the one currently driving the big boys.
Ojom has been making games for the rest of the world for awhile now, and their innovations in game design and augmented reality have made them incredibly popular in Europe and Asia. We got a chance to sit down with some of the Ojom crew at E3, and we were very impressed with the games we played. Get the rundown on why Ojom is a company to keep an eye on in our detailed look at their current lineup.
05/20/05 | | Tristan Mayshark
E3 roundup from the comfort of a living room.
What's "just a hair bigger than an iPod Mini and 2/3 the weight?" The new Game Boy Micro. Nintendo unveiled the new teeny-tiny game system in a variety of skins and colors at this year's E3, and George, our resident Nintendophile, is the lucky guy who got to take it for a test drive.
05/19/05 | | Shawn Rider
The annual Electronic Entertainment Expo is happening once again. And, as we have since 1999, GF! will cover the crap out of the show. We've got a crack team of writers and photographers heading to LA so we can bring back the goodest of the goods. This year we're going to post nightly updates from the show, in addition to
our live moblog. Get a whole new point of view on E3 with Team GF! And continue on to E3 Central 2005 for all the haps on the show.
Nintendo showed off the Revolution to a crowd of hungry fans and attendant media on Tuesday, and today we got to see a bit more of the device on the show floor at E3. And while some serious bombs were dropped (backwards compatibility for 20 years of Nintendo games -- What!?!), the Revolution is stil shrouded in mystery. Get the details we know right here.
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