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Search for 'robot' returned 22 results.

Bomberman: Act Zero Review
game: Bomberman: Act Zero
review | 12/07/06 | Sean Hilliard
We sent our resident cheeky strategy freak Sean to get the story on Bomberman: Act Zero. After the fiasco that was F.E.A.R. Extraction Point we thought that everyone\'s favorite neighborhood explosives expert would be a nice change of pace. Boy, were we wrong! Not only has the new Bomberman been stripped of his best classic gameplay, it\'s been replaced by a semi-FPS element that simply makes it hard to see. Add in 99 uninspired levels and no ability to save, and you\'ll soon mourn Bomberman of old. Check out Sean\'s write-up to see why.
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Rengoku II: Stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N Review
game: Rengoku II: Stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N
review | 10/17/06 | Matt James
Usually giant robot fighting is a great way to spend a weekend, hell, even a week. But sometimes it just makes us want to throw our PSP across the room and scream, \"No, bad PSP!\" Rengoku is somewhere in-between. Want to know what the relevance to the acronym H.E.A.V.E.N is? Or if giant robot action and 4-player wireless will save Rengoku II? Or will our Matt James be able to look at his PSP the same after having gone through not one, but two Rengokus? Is it a metaphoric stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N or is there some literal, Jungian translation? Will Led Zeppelin come and play at my birthday party? Well, to quote the great Wayne Campbell: \"No stairway. DENIED!\"
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Space Rangers 2: Rise of the Dominators
game: Space Rangers 2: Rise of the Dominators
review | 06/18/06 | Jason Perkins
Space Rangers 2: Rise of the Dominators receives a second review here at GamesFirst after impressing one of our editors enough to be compared to Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. This strategy game from the Russian developer 1C brings the open-ended nature of Oblivion into space, dumping the player into an immense universe with tons of gameplay. Working your way through the steep learning curve might be difficult, but the variety of gameplay, quality of game experience, and budget price make it well worth the battle.
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A Boy and His Rocket Dog: Metal Saga Review
game: Metal Saga
review | 06/02/06 | Amanda Bateman
Atlus and developer Success bring us Metal Saga, a sci-fi RPG set in a post-apocalyptic world where outlaws and monsters run rampant. You play a nameless boy on a mission to save the world. Does that sound like a typical RPG plot? Absolutely. But when you add in some clever humor, plenty of minigames and non-linear extras to explore, and canine companions sporting heavy military-style rocketry, it can\'t be all bad, can it? Amanda took on the challenge of Metal Saga. Get her rerview here.
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Planes, Trains and...Trotmobiles? Steambot Chronicles Review
game: Steambot Chronicles
review | 05/29/06 | Amanda Bateman
Steambot Chronicles is the newest Atlus release for the PS2, allowing players to do anything from farming to ferrying to fighting, all on the back of a two-legged transport robot called a Trotmobile. This is definitely not your traditional console roleplaying game. Non-linear gameplay and amazing diversity of things to do has kept our gal, Amanda, busy defeating evil and buskering for UR. Get her full review here.
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Pre-E3: Lost Planet Preview
game: Lost Planet
preview | 05/01/06 | Chris Martin
E3 is on the horizon, and we\'re all aching to see what is coming down the road for the future of gaming. Right now the inventive minds behind Onimusha and Devil May Cry are working hard on Lost Planet for the Xbox 360. Large robots played a role in the launch of the original Xbox with MechAssualt, and now Capcom hopes to use big robots again to push the Xbox 360 firmly into the next generation of gaming. With seamless environments and a mix of gameplay styles (in-Mech and on foot), Lost Planet might be just the thing to keep the Xbox 360 fresh and selling strong come December. Though it\'s a ways off, we\'re still eager to play some of this incredible looking actioneer. Read why inside!
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Acclaim is Back!
game: BOTS
news | 03/02/06 | Shawn Rider
Game publisher Acclaim has risen from the ashes and is making a comeback. So far the publisher has two titles in the works: BOTS and 9 Dragons. BOTS is, obviously, a robot-based game which allows players to customize their metal men to their liking, purchasing new items online. These upgrades, which number in the hundreds, help make the BOTS undefeatable machines of mayhem as players compete with each other in the arena. This is the first from the company, which plans for many more. Oh, and did we mention that this is a totally FREE online game? Yep. Get more on the rebirth of one of gaming\'s oldest brands right here.
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New Chromehounds Screens
game: Chromehounds
news | 01/27/06 | Shawn Rider
Sega is unloading on the Xbox 360 with both Full Auto and Chromehounds coming out in the coming weeks. Chromehounds is based on an alternate Cold War history that places you in charge of a big, destructive robot fighting for one of three factions. Developed by Armored Core veterans, From Software, Chromehounds has the pedigree to be a very good game. The screens look gorgeous, and we are excited to get our hands on a playable version of this one. Get the details here.
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Armored Core: Formula Front Review
game: Armored Core: Formula Front - Extreme Battle
review | 01/10/06 | Matt James
Armored Core is a tricky series: Gamers typically love it or hate it. Stat-hounds and customization freaks really dig the hardcore gearhead approach to battle bots, while the rest of us stick to more action-oriented titles for our big mech enjoyment. Nonetheless, the first Armored Core game is out for the PSP. Armored Core: Formula Front-- Extreme Battle is a fan-targeted title, geared towards current fans of the Armored Core series and fairly inaccessible for newcomers. Matt James has the rundown.
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GamesFirst! Weekly Wrap-Up Number 15
podcast | 01/07/06 | Val Townsend
This week in the Wrap-Up, Val checks out the biggest gaming news of the last couple weeks, catching us up on any news we missed while we were stuffing our gullets on stuffing and gullets. She also checks out reviews of PoPoLoCrois for PSP, Kosumi for PC, and Call of Duty 2 for Xbox 360 and PC. After all that, she serves up a tasty preview of Chromehounds, coming soon to Xbox 360 from the makers of the legendary Armored Core series. Get the latest podcasty goodness from your pals at GF!
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Chromehounds Preview
game: Chromehounds
preview | 12/20/05 | Shawn Rider
Chromehounds is a big mech action title coming to the Xbox 360 this spring from Sega and FROM Software. FROM Software is best known as the makers of the fan-favorite Armored Core series, which makes them immensely qualified to tackle a next-gen heavy robot game. Taking place in an alternate history centered around Cold War land grabs, Chromehounds looks to bring big battles and big mechs to a console near you next Spring. Get the full preview here.
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Sonic X: Project Shadow Video Review
game: Video: Sonic X: Project Shadow
review | 11/29/05 | Chris Martin
Sonic is popping up everywhere these days, from GameTap\'s online service to next-gen consoles and handhelds in-between. To coincide with the release of the new Sonic X game, Funimation has released a DVD companion called Sonic X: Project Shadow. Our resident Sonic groupie, Chris Martin, takes this DVD for a spin, and comes up with the definitive review. Check it out.
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Earth 2160 Screens
game: Earth 2160
news | 09/22/05 | Shawn Rider
Earth 2160 is the sequel to the cult hit Earth series, developed by Reality Pump Games. Midway has picked it up, and will publish the title in the US in November for PC. This is more than a traditional real-time strategy game, and with a laundry list of features, Earth 2160 looks to be one for strategy fans to keep an eye on. Check out the latest screens here.
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MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf
game: MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf
review | 02/14/05 | Sarah Wichlacz
MechAssault was one of the standout titles on Xbox Live when it first launched. It paved the way for reliable online multiplayer and loads of content downloads. MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf amps up the multiplayer game and beefs up the single player story mode to boot. It's a great thing.
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Mega Man X7
game: Mega Man X7
review | 11/26/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Another Mega Man title hits the store shelves. Ummm, err, well yes I suppose I should say something else....The Mega Man series has seen better days, and now even the die hard fans are wondering if our heroic robot is done for. Mega Man X7 isn't going to quell that talk. Some new approaches bring a breath of fresh air to the series, but as for the total package...Click here and Eric will break it down for you.
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